Am I a normal sz?

do i act normal?


Are you setting us up?

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nope just surfing the net

How in the world would we know?

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attack me why don’'t you?

Hmm? Where was the attack?

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No one’s trying attack you.

This is just a question you should ask yourself.

Not us.

Unless you want to open yourself up to a lot of criticism.

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I know when some people don’t like me

Its a hunch

It’s an assumption. Idek you’ve well. So you’re wrong.

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but some people on here want me banned for good

even though i have noting against them

So did you start this thread to throw yourself a pitty party?

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just how i see things

no one is rocket proof

Like I said you assumed wrong. I don’t dislike you because idek you. I get annoyed by your meme when they venture out of your thread but that doesn’t mean I don’t like you.


I don’'t dis like anyone enough here to dislike them in fairness

Normal is boring just be you :sunglasses:

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Yeah you act normal.


I agree. Yeah you act normal.

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I am 100% mad


Im as odd as can be…isnt oddness a prominent sz symptom?

You are fine @san_pedro