For having written on the walls and dumpsters of my neighborhood the “Licht” meaning Light. it’s my favourite opera by Stockhausen. Anyways, am I a bad person? I feel bad. I was semi - psychotic when I did it.
I wrote it with a marker. Not on all houses and buildings but at many. In a church I wrote “Mao Zedong”. Am I a vandalizer?
Writing on a church is going a little too far, but as long as you didn’t deface anyone’s house I wouldn’t be too worried about it.
I have prepared in my mind a sketch of a conversation in case they understand its me. I will tell them I was crazy
Thank you.
I don’t think you are a bad person, I think it was just the psychosis.
Psychosis can make us do bad things. I did.
A friend who saw these paintings on the walls made fun of me. He said I knew it was you
I thought I communicated with Stockhausen or with the programmers of this matrix. OMG
I did a lot of bad things when I was psychotic too, can’t let it get to you. Hopefully your in a better place then when you did it .
You’re a good person, I have no doubt at all. What you did you did under duress, and quite frankly, your graffiteering was such a small misdeed. Don’t feel bad about it.
Thank you, @NotSeksoEmpirico. I’m trying to forget my misdeed .
Drawing on walls doesn’t hurt anyone. It just inconveniences the folks in charge of cleaning it up. Even if you weren’t psychotic at the time, it wouldn’t make you a bad person.
I think defacing property is not a positive thing to do but having psychosis is a good excuse.
I don’t think that makes you a bad person.
I don’t think so either. Psychosis is not your fault
I wrote all over my bedroom walls when I first got sza. At least it was my walls but I understand the urge to write on walls
yea it doesn’t make you a bad person, can do far worse things.
I had these punk friends in high school who vandalized alot of stuff. I went with them sometimes and unfortunately did some damage myself. Usually after the beer ran out they would go out and vandalize. I didn’t have the forsight or better judgement or empathy that I do now and would never do this as an adult. I’m ashamed of it now. They eventually got arrested for doing $20000 damage to buildings one night. It still comes up if you google their names. I wonder how it is for them to get jobs. There’s a right to be forgotten law in Europe that precludes stuff like this. I think I believe in this as they were only 17 when it happened.
You’re alright @Om_Sadasiva. It’s not your fault.
Thank you dude…