Alternatives to hospitalisation

Ok, so I have been having a really rough time lately. Intrusive thoughts and overpowering voices have been taking over my life. During the daytime its not as hard to handle as it is in the still of the night. Due to this I have only been able to get between 1 and 4 hours of sleep in any 24 hour period for the last month and a half.

I know that the holiday stressors of feeling inadequate as a family member, as far as not being very communicative, and therefore not knowing what people are into or what they would like as a gift played into it a lot, as well as mismanaging my money constantly. But things just keep going wrong in my little bubble existence and the stress keeps compounding on an exponential level in what seems like too many areas to note without sounding like I’m whining or losing audience.

I’m slowly melting down, like a penny shoved into a fusebox. I’ve been hallucinating almost constantly, auditorily and visually, been having tactile and olfactory hallucinations as well. I have managed to maintain integrity as much as I am able to while still trying to be part of daily life. I haven’t isolated myself because I know that being around my family is the best thing for me. But things are getting worse and without going into too much detail I just wanted to post the question what else could I do other than going to the hospital because that is the last thing I want to do I do not need to be separated from my family I need to try and figure something out does anyone know of there are programs where maybe I could do something I don’t know what the options are or anything like that I just know I have to do something


Can’t you just call your psychiatrist? Probably no need for hospital.


Yes call your pdoc.
They may adjust your meds.


I think you should call your psychiatrist.

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yea i think same… call your pdoc and have a talk with him/her about it and see what they suggest.

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A higher dose of what you’re taking, or a new med may help alleviate that. I’d call your pdoc


If you don’t want to go to the hospital talk to your psychiatrist, or go into a walk in clinic and get the GP to prescribe you some antipsychotics. If your behavior is reasonable they probably wont have you taken to the hospital. But if you don’t get help soon your behavior might get bad enough that there will be a situation where you are forced to go to the hospital, as has happened to me countless times. So before you get worse get some meds or med adjustment. Maybe Seroquel would work, I have been given that in similar circumstances.

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Hi, thanks people, I have an appointment tomorrow with a new doctor and I’m going to ask for a different medication. I had an appointment for last Friday, but the receptionist got the days wrong and rescheduled me for Tuesday.

I haven’t seen my psychiatrist since beginning of this coronavirus stuff starting and actually haven’t had my injection since September. I’ve just been taking the surplus risperidone tablets I had at the house but had gotten low, started only intermittently taking them and then lost them and its been hit or miss since then if I would take anything… I’ve found them again though and have taken them the last two days, which isn’t much but is better than nothing I guess.

Thanks for your replies, sorry I didn’t update again sooner.

I did end up having a couple major meltdowns, where I scared my family pretty badly, enough to almost make them leave for good.
I truly do not want that to happen and I also don’t want to scare them anymore either so I am committed to following through with this new doctor and medication and I hope to find a group or something where I can have an outlet to talk with people about what’s going on.
Maybe I just need to get back into the swing of being on here and talking with all of y’all. It has always helped before and I’m not sure why its been so long since I’ve been on here.

I’ve thought about it. I want so badly to be free of antipsychotics. But I don’t know anything about any alternative medicine

Don’t take alternative medicine, very little of it is supported by peer reviewed and controlled research. Get in touch with your psychiatrist and get back on the injection that you were prescribed. tbh thats probably where your problems are stemming from

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there is always the option of doing a mental health course run by the department of health…ive done two of them in my country but i know they are replicated the world over…the course i did was called “Fresh Start” and it was a personal development course for mentally ill pepole that lasted 5 months (full time) i thought it was great, it might suit you…i know theses courses are not likely to resume until covid dies down but it is a good idea to say it to your psychiatrist or mental health team as there is a small waiting list, so get your name onb the list

Also have you ever thought of joining a mental health club …these are places where mentally ill folk can go to participate in art, creative writing, health management or group therapy to name but a few activities…or else you can just drop in for a coffee…i think those clubs are invaluable…look in to it, ask you mental health team

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