what are some alternate lives you think you would’ve lived? paths that you might’ve taken had you done something different, or turned out to be a different person. i personally imagine that i’d be a pop star had i turned out different, and would have extravagant concerts
I would have just liked what most did have. A relationship. A career. I didn’t get diagnosed till I was 29 and lived a life that was different to most till then with some hindsight and paranoia.
I didn’t want anything exceptional. Just something normal.
Musician or actor for sure. I love music and film, and that would be my passion
Unfortunately in this life, I did not achieve those things.
Now with mental health challenges, those things are further away than ever before
The only alternative life I’d want would be to have the balls to stand up for myself in my younger years. I felt it was my mission to keep the peace and grin and bear it. Being a door mat is not fun.
Actor, fitness model, chart topping music producer…
These are all still on the table, I just have to work for it
Actor maybe not so much, but I want to write scripts and short stories for adaptation
In an alternate life, I’d have discovered a cure for something maybe.
Investment banker, but I doubt that ever happened…
It’s best not to think about such things…
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