Alright, I think I've discovered why I'm so grumpy lately

Today is my father’s birthday. My dad killed himself in December 2001. He would have been 67 today. RIP Pop. Miss you more than you know. sobs


Sorry to hear that RIP
Hope u are reunited one day

This has subconsciously been festering for over a week. I told my wife that this day was coming soon. I miss my dad SO damn much. He would have bailed me out of this horrible living situation. My dad would have thought the world of my wife. Alright, here come the waterworks. I can’t see my screen clearly, so I’m gonna take a few to myself.

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I feel for you
I haven’t had bereavement yet but trying not to think about it
Good that you got your wife

hey i am really sorry that you are going through this.
it would definitely explain you feeling off centre…
i hope you are feeling better today. :sunny:
blokey hug :bear:
take care :alien:

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Condolences, meng. Take 'er easy. :frowning:

Edit: Before I clicked on the subject line I admit to thinking, “he has PMS?!?”



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Hang in there man.

Thanks for the love @darksith, and @shutterbug. Means a lot. My brother-in-law asked me why I wasn’t in church, and I told him what today means to me, and his response was, “Aaaand?!?! You need the love of Christ in moments like these. I think you are a lukewarm believer.” Dumb twat. First of all, he makes the mistake that I’m a believer at all, and second, in their church and belief system, being called “lukewarm” is a damnation. Basically, I forgot the exact passage, but it says that if you get to heaven and are “lukewarm” Christ will “spit you out.” Well f-uck you Jesus, and if that’s what a “loving god” looks like, I want no part of his fraudulent scheme.

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love is meant to be unconditional…
know someone cares.
take care :alien:

Is your brother-in law missing his brain?
You have way to much strength for being able to control your fist from lashing out and making contact with that idiots upper lip.

Do you know the differences between an in-law and an outlaw?

Outlaws are wanted.

I am sorry man that sucks

Now this made me laugh! Something I haven’t done much of lately.

I have more friends on here than I do in real life. Think of joining AmericCorps or Jobs Corps or SOMETHING to get me away from here. This can’t go on for much longer. As @Csummers said, a fist may make contact with a face if this continues.


I hope that things get brighter for you soon Greg - Hang in there.