So my sister wants everyone to take at home covid tests before they come over the 26th… which of coarse my husband and dad are refusing to take (they’re both vaccinated) but it’s like really🙄
I’m soo tired of being the middle man/moderator…
So my sister wants everyone to take at home covid tests before they come over the 26th… which of coarse my husband and dad are refusing to take (they’re both vaccinated) but it’s like really🙄
I’m soo tired of being the middle man/moderator…
Why do you have to mediate? Leave it up to them to work out between each other. You don’t need that stress
I should just leave it up to them but it kind of needs resolved/figured out before Saturday… which neither of them text each other or have each other’s phone numbers so they can’t exactly hash it out
I’d text them and suggest giving everyone’s phone number out so they can work it out. It’s not even your business anyway. Let the people arguing over it deal with each other
Good advice!
Tell your husband to grow a spine or Jimmy and I will give him a piledriver.
My wife and I are pretty careful about COVID, but we’re not making someone show us a test before they come over. We don’t hang out with anyone who is unvaxxed, however. No vax, no visit!
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