I’m on my fourth week at school. I’ve sat in the same spot for the first three weeks and yesterday I came in 2 minutes before the class started and what do you know two people had changed seats and were sitting at me and my friend’s spot. Everyone has kept the same seats after the second or third class and now these jerks wait for me to be right on time to steal my place.
Would you have asked them to move?
I just brushed it off and sat somewhere else but it pissed me off and I’m still thinking about it. The main issue is their seat was near to someone notoriously loud and I feel sitting there will affect my performance. Tired of being an easy target. I think from now on I will come in 15 minutes early to secure my seat, but that might not be enough. Really immature of those guys…
At the assisted living center where I live there is some contention about that. Some people think they’re entitled to stake out a seat and keep it, and others think it is catch as catch can. Lately I’ve been staking out my seat and telling people when they try to sit down there it is my seat. I can see their point of view, though, because I have felt the other way before - that no one had the right to claim a particular seat. I told one guy that was fixing to sit down that he was taking my seat, and he acquiesced, but he told me later he almost said, “I don’t see your name on it.” I told him that most people where we were claimed their own seat to sit down in.
Maybe the reason they sat in “your” seat didn’t have anything to do with you at all. Maybe they wanted to get away from the noisy part of the room just like you do. Life feels better when we don’t harbor negative feelings for others - even if they do “wrong” things.