Already adverse reaction to pfizer covid vaccine

In the news i did not make this up.
Maybe they put some geodon in it

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It’s a hard thing. They are throwing money at it but most vaccines take 2 years or so to go through all the hoops to make it effective and safe…

My shrink told me and my dad who are high risk to wait and see how the vaccines work. Hurried work isn’t good necessarily so keep an open mind and might pay to wait some.


They are recommending that people with a history of severe allergic reactions not get the vaccine just yet. I don’t know where that puts me, because I have had a severe allergic reaction in the past, but not since I was 4 years old.


I’m going to wait a while to see what unfolds.

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Seems bizarre in the UK to expose the entire healthcare workforce and clinically vulnerable if it can have adverse reactions, as surely these people would be affected worse than anybody in the population

same, i’m also going to wait a bit. The vaccine i might be willing to take still but when they start with implants to store if you been vaccinated and when, then I will pass for sure.

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I wonder how they define severe. I’ve had hives from meds. Is that severe? I also have had asthma related to allergies. I just don’t know where that puts me

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I think they defined it as if you’ve ever needed an epi pen.



I think it is not recommended for those who need to carry an epipen for severe allergies
My mum is 77 and has to carry one
She would have got the jab early.
Now she has to wait for the second vaccine that is okayed, ordered etc

In England they still haven’t put unpaid carers in until many other groups have had the injections
She takes care of my sister
77 and a life long smoker
They haven’t much publicised what smokers chances are


My brother is immuno-compromised and was looking forward to the vaccine so he could feel just a little bit safer, but it contains a compund he’s very allergic to, and in that form there’s no known antidote for it yet.
So that kinda sucks.

I’m also kind of wary. I want the vaccine so I won’t get as sick if I get covid, and to reduce risk of infecting others. But I don’t want any unknown effects


The vaccine is pretty safe
Other than the occasional reaction
2 people out of thousands
Reacted to that as quickly as it happened by altering the advice

It’s not entirely unexpected for some number of folks with a history of severe allergic reactions to have an allergic reaction to a new vaccine, medication, etc.

This would not have been detected in the pfizer clinical trials since people with a history of severe allergic reactions were excluded from the trial.

This warrants further study so that they can provide additional guidance to those with a history of severe allergic reactions. With that said, folks who do not have a history of severe allergic reactions should be OK getting the vaccine.


I got the pizer vaccine last week. what made me damn scared was the fact that I was put on a ventilator where the nursing staff couldn’t provide me with 500 kcal twice a day for my geodon.

My province tracks these things. Many fewer adverse reactions to first dose of Pfizer than the standard flu vaccine. More reactions to second dose, but that’s because first dose primed immune systems to fight. The reaction to the second dose is considered to be a good sign, that it’s “taking” properly. There have been practically no serious adverse reactions to the mRNA vaccines.

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