My partner had some business travel so I am alone.
He brought me a pot of pink flower though which I don’t like- but it’s funny how many years later - he still does not know me that well.
He got me Calla LILY which I think is for funerals.
Anyway - I have been having some weird death related paranoia - thinking someone might murder me - weird delusion.
Today I had to drive to the EMDR therapy and got lost took the wrong exit so I drove around hours today altogether. Left the house at 12 and reached destination at 2:15 then 50 minutes of consultation and reached home at 5:00
Next tuesday I will have the first EMDR session with the therapist - I will do auditory and visual therapy to let go of my miserable thoughts.
I also ent to the gym yesterday - and exercised for 30 minutes. Will go again tomorrow =)
What about you?
I was at the supermarket and saw so many men buying roses =) it is so cute
it is really beautiful and he is so thoughtful - maybe it is part of my illness too =) he said he chose pink =)
I guess in my hometown they give this flower for the dead =)
I’m alone…well mom’s home tonight but dad’s at work…and by alone I mean not seeing anyone special. Tried snuggling with kitty earlier, but she was all bity so I gave up. She’s been sleeping all afternoon now. My life is pathetic…
Don’t feel bad, at least you have someone.
I have yet to celebrate a Valentines Day, or even go on a date… lol.
P.S. A flower is a flower. Why do people need to categories them for different things? Calalillies are beautiful. We grow them at the greenhouse, where I work. Lucky you, to have someone sending you nice things.
I got Angie some pepperidge farm dark chocolate cookies and her favorite flavor blue bell ice cream, mint chocolate chip. she said she didn’t really want to celebrate valentine’s but we did fool around a couple of days ago, which is rare for us, so I feel like we had a good valentine…haha.