Almost relapsing

I was put on EPIVAL last month for my obsessive thought disorder and I took it with little result for a month. My doctor had told me to stop it if I want to. I stopped it 2 weeks ago and noticed some of my symptoms coming up. This med also gave me crazy appetite. Now I’,m back to normal, but hoping my doc will give me an appointment soon or increase my Latuda little bit. I had a lot of symptoms just in one week. I’m still a little sensitive. Maybe my Latuda is not working for me at all.

I’m even considering switching meds. It’s just the wrong time right now to do that. a lot is going on in my life. I hurt a couple people this month.

Perhaps you are a bit ‘off’ because of commitment issues with your beau?

honestly I don’t know what I have. Some days I go crazy, sometimes i love him a lot. other days I wanna be single. I’m just a regular psycho. glad he is putting up with me. But I notice when I get sick, I can not control my tongue. It’s somehow losing touch with reality. I don’t calculate the outcome of the stuff I say and do. My reasoning disappears.


I’m like you.

I delayed marriage forever. Not until I was 34. Just wanted to stay carefree.

Your heart will give you the correct answer when it’s time. :sunny:

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Hey patty cakes. I already started an AP again, I only made it 3 days. :cold_sweat:

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