Almost joined a schizophrenia study BUT

They told me if you’re delusional, homicidal, or suicidal, they’ll have you admitted to a ward even if you don’t want to be there.

In Michigan you don’t have to just be suicidal or homicidal. Delusions are enough for forced hospitalization.

So nope! I’ll not do the study. Too bad because it’s a paid study :frowning:


What was the study for?

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I think you did the right thing by not joining. I would get paranoid with those terms.

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It’s to see how Ativan affects brain function in people with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder


Good to know. I guess I’ll be avoiding Michigan. “Delusions” seems like a broad term to me. I’m not a psychologist; but, I think many two-bit millionaires have something like delusions of grandeur.


Do you take ativan now? Probably a good thing you didnt do the study just in case you developed an ativan dependency

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@Rainstorm , no I don’t take Ativan. It’s not a long term test. They do a functional brain MRI. Then you come back another day and they give you Ativan and once it kicks in, they do another functional MRI. Thats the whole test. So you don’t become dependent on it


So they allow you to join a study for schizophrenia, but if you have one of the main features of what they’re studying they will commit you to a ward? How does that allow them to receive accurate results for the study???


They also said if you go to a ward they discharge you from the study.

It’s ok to hallucinate but not to have active delusions