Almost 'healthy'?!

Yesterday I took a half dose of Latuda - 40 mg and today I will take 20 and tomorrow it is over and over.

I am talking less - just a little agitated today. I am not sleeping very well - bits of insomnia too.

I am anxious to see what will happen by next week - But I notice a lot of positive things in just one week.

  • Lots more positive energy
  • more interest in things I love (although it is fluctuating)
  • a clear thinking
  • more energy to do things too - such as dressing up and doing my hair.

some negative things

  • bit of impulsive behaviour. It is still not too bad

And the most important thing is that - I am starting to lose weight - My tummy has become almost flat again after a year of drunkenness. I am still drinking and smoking - much less but still - hope for next year. !

Thanks everyone for the support and hope you are enjoying the holidays.

I am stinking a little bit though…


But I notice a lot of positive things in just one week.

I’m really glad to hear that. Things can only get better.


Thank you - I hope you are doing well too. Thank you for your support :o)

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I’m doing ok actually. After nearly 3 years on abilify, it’s becoming an overnight success :smile: I fee more stable than I’ve ever felt. Thanks very much for asking.


gives me hope too - cheers to the coming years - health, peace, love and a lot of fun.

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