Not sure what is going on but It has been suggested by a Dermatologist that I have sun allergy. He suggested it and asked for a follow up appointment in July (when sun is hottest.)
I’m really at a loss. I have stopped eating fish, shellfish, crustaceans, milk, soya, wheat, eggs, etc. in case it is simple enough undiagnosed food allergy.
I am not even sure if this is clutching at straws.
If it is sun allergy then I have it quite severely, i spent an hour in the garden and an hour in the car yesterday. With sunblock, with a hat on, covered up with sunglasses, it wasn’t even full sun all day here - about half and half (a lot of the time in truth i think i took the hat off when it was not direct sunlight etc.
My face was swollen and red first think in the morning.
I have heard that it can be managed. I talked to my care co ordinator and it’s possible to have less of an effect with gradual exposure treatment.
It’s this or a med change which by my history of Schiz could end my life or someone else’s if I’m not re admitted to hospital long enough term to get me back on meds
I suggested switching to a combo of 2 anti psychotics… Which has helped when i was just out of hospital.
The facial swelling was ridiculous, i looked like a punching bag. after very minimal exposure, an hour or two, covered in sunblock, with a hat on most of the time or in the shade.
That was on the morning after the hottest day maybe 20 C, in 15 / 16 i get milder reactions…
hoping beyond hope it is something that will not make me have to move a long way north…
hot days ahead and a walking holiday being booked for summer.
I think I’ll get dramatic if it is the meds AND it doesn’t go away for 20 years despite med change - which i have read is a worst scenario possibility.
I’ve been well for 10 years… bit shaky lately but nothing i can’t handle (Haha)
I would ask for polypharmacological treatment with 2 antipsychotics if they would consider it to cope with the transition.
i have put on 2 stone each time i started Risperidone (twice) and lost it (once), so i know a med change could have me firmly obese and no better off.
this was the first day i get a chance to outside and enjoy the weather since September last year.
I’m not sure how to cope with the situation