All of the Barber Shops Here in Canada Are Closed

My biggest fear now is that most Canadian men will start to look like Phil Spector over the next few months! :smile:


:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: now this is funny! The quarantine is actually helping me finally letting me to let my hair grow out

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Thatā€™s the case in the US too. If I were younger Iā€™d end up looking like Steve Perry used to look. But instead I guess Iā€™ll look like a white version of Don King.

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I was already overdue for a haircut even before the Barber Shops closed down.

Now I have to go back to work next Monday looking like some kind of middle aged hippy!

Peace man! Far out! :call_me_hand:

dats lotta hair !

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I wish I had that much hairā€¦ :sweat_smile:

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I need a haircut badly. I look like crap with long hair, but I look great with short hair. Itā€™s a big difference.

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Iā€™m going to cut my own hair soon.

I donā€™t usually thou.

So my hair wonā€™t have the layers cos Iā€™ll just give it a trim



My brother cuts his own hairā€¦ I donā€™t know how he does it, but he manages to make it look good. Heā€™s 22.

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Wow thatā€™s impressive

I can trim my hair pretty well

But when it comes to layers I have no clue haha

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Yeah the way he cuts it makes him look like a member of the band Green Day. I donā€™t know how to better explain it but itā€™s a nice haircut.

I posted my picture on a reddit asking for brutally honest advice on my looks, people said I looked just fine but one person said I looked ā€œa lot olderā€ than I am (probably due to stress and smoking), and the nicest person recommended I get a more modern haircut like a fade. I think I might let the stylist decide next time. Iā€™ve been getting the same haircut since I was a child in the eighties so it sounds like a great idea to try something new.

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Sounds exciting. And if its not ur Cup of tea u can just grow it out anyways.

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Iā€™ve always worn a ballcap.

When I was about to get married my friend asked me what the biggest stress was for me about the whole event. I repliedā€¦

ā€œFinding a suit to match my hatā€ :smile:

He thought that was so funny he mentioned it to me 20 years later. (I had forgotten I even said that)


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