All I do is eat and sleep

Idk what to do to stop this since being on this 6mg Risperdal.

Why don’t you agree to trying the Clozapine? It’s annoying to get the bloodwork, but at least it’s a chance.


My other pdoc said its worse for negative symptoms. Its much more sedating than risperdal and I will never get out to get blood tests. If I miss a blood test I might die from infections as it weakens the immune system.

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Got it


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Maybe I should take more caffeine, like 600-800mg pills.

Dude no! You could have a heart attack… a cup of coffee is like 100 MG … 6-8 cups of coffee a day is a no no haha please lol

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I used to take 400mg daily for many months.

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Yea 4 cups a day is kinda reasonable that’s about how much I drink but that’s like the max as I understand it and even a lot… serous when I have too much coffee it removes the potassium I think from your blood and you can get over dyhydrated and have a heart attack

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I was on rsperidal 8mg and it was really bad, i had to change in the end bc i was so zombified, only thing i can suggest is talk to your doc again about any other options. i

Its fkd up bc they like it when you are all slow and dumbed down bc then they dont need to worry and think they are doing a good job but doing a good job is helping a person reach their full potential not sedating them.

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Get an electric wheelchair, motor scooter, anything that can get you moving during the day.

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Why not try stepping g down the Risperdal a bit? Taper and try 3mg. Get therapy to deal with anger and irritation. You can cope with that with work.

I used to get very angry all the time, but I can control how I respond to things. So can you.

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I read that just two weeks of lying in bed (like in a hospital) can decrease a young person’s fitness to the level of an 80 year old. You have been lying in bed for years, so your fitness is probably terrible. I don’t deny you have severe negatives, but poor fitness is probably half of your problem. Also your will is probably crushed by learned helplessness or something like that from years of sz making stuff hard for you when it used to be easy. Just try man.


Don’t taper down on your own but maybe ask your doctor about going to 4mg.
I’m on 4mg of Risperdal and now my negatives are doing ok.

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Thanks guys, I took a 200mg caffeine pill and I feel a bit better. Not sleepy anymore. Today I stopped taking caffeine pills so slept all day, now at least I am not sleepy eventhough I am still in bed.

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It was really tough for me to get up from bed as well… but if I don’t I WILL be homeless or dead.

Let’s keep fighting bro.

One step at a time. I’m sure it will be worth it in a long run.

I’m all messed up from SZ as well. But we have to keep putting our feet forward.

I just saw a girl with a big ass pumpkin in her hands… nearly tipping over. But hey that’s peaceful and it’s cute to buy pumpkins on Halloween.

If you wanna live a normal life just worrying about carving pumpkins on Halloween, you have to start somewhere. Have confidence in your judgment. You know yourself best. Trust it.

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I read the opposite, namely that clozapine is sometimes uniquely effective for negative symptoms. Not for me, but for some.

It usually doesn’t. It does in some cases, so hence the blood tests.



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