took the big step last Friday and quit altogether. I smoked for 51 1/2 years, peaking about 20 years ago at 3 1/2 packs a day. I did not want to quit cold turkey because I felt it would be a shock to my system. I know I’ll never go back to it. I hated being hooked.
Congratulations! Your health will improve and you’ll save a lot of money. I admire you for doing something not very many people can do.
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why did u stop???
why ???
Congratulations @PinCushion!
That’s great you quit, never to late to give them stinky cigs the boot!
I only smoked for about one month in my entire life,
and when I told my dad (was a very heavy smoker) that I’d quit,
he replied:
“my daughter, the quitter!”
Well done chordy. It’s not easy to quit smoking.