After around 8800 hours played in Dota 2, I'm glad to say that I have quit for good

8800 freaking hours, I don’t even wanna do the math on how many days that is. This game is the king of constant dopamine spikes. It’s not healthy, I was addicted. I have transitioned to PUBG, it’s more relaxing, requires more patience, and doesn’t give you dopamine spikes like every second.

I will make a serious effort to never return to dota 2 or any moba game, instead find healthier games to take its place, while focusing more on hobbies.


I’ve heard of dota before. Is that the actual name of the game or an acronym?

Must be addicting if you played for that many hours. That being said don’t beat yourself up for liking games. It’s not a waste of time. Hobbies, personal enjoyment, and fun are an important part of life! Don’t let people tell you it’s a complete waste it’s not.

If we never had fun we would all be workaholics which is a vice not a virtue. Laughter is the best medicine. If it weren’t for games the world would be a very depressing place.


DotA = Defence of the Ancients. Yeah I have transitioned to pubg, it just seems like healthier form of fun to me. I don’t think I will ever quit video games completely, just play the more healthy ones that aren’t made to give you constant dopamine. I’ve heard valve who makes dota hires psychologists to make their games more addictive, not 100% sure if that’s true but I wouldn’t be surprised.

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Btw not to be an ass but it equates to 366 days which is a year. It’s not as bad as smoking which can take 20 years off your life so. Plus it’s an important activity to stay sane. All work and no play makes one go insane.


That actually doesn’t sound that bad, yeah. Good point about the smoking…

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Oh wow they actually purposely make it addicting huh. That’s weird. I always find it weird when companies do that especially with food and stuff. Creeps.

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Yeah I guess it’s our responsibility ultimately to choose what we consume, but I don’t defend that way of doing stuff, making them so addictive that your customers have a hard time leaving.

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Yea true especially when kids play these games too. This is why kids are addicted to iPads these days.

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We are just monkeys on a rock travelling through space at hundreds of miles an hour.

Just becasue you haven’t achieved anything capitalistically by spending your time playing a game on this hurtling rock, it does not mean you haven’t had fun doing it!

The notion that something has to be achieved in anyone’s time of perception in the universe is often skewed in the current paradigm towards getting a big house, super car and status in society, but these are just constructs after all.

Were you happy playing this game?

I’d rather be happy than meeting the prerequisites of society and be unhappy!

You haven’t lost time. You have spent it doing what you love.

You didn’t ravage your body with opiates, for example.



I had over 1000 hours in BO3 years ago. Loved that game and I don’t regret spending that much time playing it.


You make a good point @labratmat though I wasn’t happy while playing it lately, more frustrated, and that grew and grew while I was playing it more. But I kept returning for the dopamine highs.

But I agree, games aren’t a waste of time. Especially those games who actually have some depth to it and doesn’t only give you dopamine hits.

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I play league I tried dota once and didnt understand it

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I used to play DOTA1, but must be more than 10 years ago now. Was a cool game. But some players were not nice, and more often than not people would quit and destroy the game. I don’t really miss it that much.

Now I only use my Amiga console to play retro games. No multiplayer stuff. But that’s fine. Like you say, the dopamine gets less when it’s not so competitive and high paced.

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I wish I could get into gaming like that. I sold my ps5 cause I wasn’t playing it. I’ve also wanted to get immersed in a tv series but can’t seem to. Finding enjoyment in life is a good thing. You got burned out. That happened to me with counterstrike and cod. I played well beyond me being into it. If you still enjoy gaming that’s definitely a positive. Especially with this illness. Gives you something to do. That’s how I see it.


I’m in the same boat. I have an xbox series x that never gets played, a steam deck and a nintendo switch, and I can’t seem to get immersed in any game. I’m the same way with shows and movies now. I blame youtube and shortform videos. I want to cut down my time watching youtube videos.

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I think i used to play dota in ums in starcraft like in 2007 or something

Everyone seems to be using acronyms or part-name words for the games they talk about on this thread so far haha. Not sure what half these games are.
I love me some single player role playing games. Not into online multiplayer. I play games to chill out and have fun at home, not to socialise. But i get it though.
8800 hours is a hectic amount! Good effort!
They say if you want a truly rewarding gaming experience that doesnt give you dopamine rushes every 5 seconds for no effort or by buying loot boxes and s***t with real money, then souls-like games are good for that. Very delayed gratification kinda games. Like dark souls, lords of the fallen (2023) or elden ring etc. Im not very good at them myself though haha. But i love the vibe of them!

If it really does work that I don’t wanna be around in my older years anyways lol.
I think my cousin plays Dota, or something similair to it one of those dota style games.
I’m just starting to get into wow classic again, i’ve been off it for a very long time but like poet said, all work no paly… yeah it gets old

maybe this could be the start of a very long break for you though at least

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@POET also i think they say the same thing about antipsychotics lol. im finna die tomorrow

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Cool dude hope it’s a good game. I used to play StarCraft a lot