Addition of fourth dimensional material in the mind

It’s over lapping with this what we’re seeing right now.

It can be added at times this stuff, this invisible stuff.

This one time i was taking a shower and the sight of the material was added to my brain and the hair on my leg was making faces, like the hair drew faces.

You should have seen this other time, muh feet was dirty and on the bottom as i sat cross legged drew something as if someone had painted it.

The soap scum gets a little eerie sometimes to, little tiny drawings in there made out of it.

I’m tellin ya, this is not paerdolia, i’ve got ghosts, i don’t mean dead people i just mean something from somewhere else is in contact with me.

And there is no mistaking that tree outside, perfectly drawn bearded person, it’s really detailed to, there is just no mistaking it.

And yes tesla is on the hood of my car in the garage, it’s him, if it isn’t him it looks exactly like him.

So you want to go out with me sometime? We could go get a coffee and i’ll tell you about the aliens and faeries. See, this is why shaman can’t date. Not that i’m a shaman, i just can understand completely why shaman can’t date now, no one could swing that ■■■■.

I’m not looking for a date, but I would totally be up for coffee, if I were ever in the neighborhood. It’s good to have friends.

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Can you post a picture of the tree in question?

I could never do that.

I’m a mess of terror and disease, socialization seems like some kind of fantasy at this point.

Yeah, I get it. My co-person asked me to attend a wedding with her last year and just being asked turned me into a frantic, crying mess. I’m a little better now, but the idea is still pretty freaking awful.