What might seem little to you and I can be a big achievement for someone else.
This really does put things into perspective.
I am really doubting my ASD diagnosis at the moment. I watched pretty much all the YouTube videos on the topic.
Some of the ‘HF’ing’ people really see it as a stripe to shout about in some cases, and the videos really irritated me.
Then you see how severe it can be, and I really can’t see how my experience of ASD is so vastly different to others, and how it’s even the same thing.
There is a range of severity, but developmental delay has to be present regardless of the how severe the ASD is.
I have a 4,500 word report, which most of it was what my mother said to them up to the age of 5 years old.
I read it and it doesn’t seem there is a problem with the development.
However the specialist said everything he put in the report is evidence.
It was hard for me to be convinced, as there was no argument in the report for or against.
Just a long list of factual information with no relatability to the whole point of confirming or rejecting a diagnosis of ASD
Sorry I don’t mean to change the subject of your OP, I hope I have not annoyed you.
Yourself and @shutterbug are the only people I have contact with through this forum about ASD.
I know nobody else, so not able to talk about it at all
You haven’t annoyed or upset me
My life fell apart when I went to high school. That second article makes sense.
I was so un-prepared for it, and the environment I found - looking back with hindsight - was abusive.
Kids can be so horrible to each other.
I was always picked on and treated really badly, and I was so easily manipulated into doing bad things.
‘They saw me coming’ doesn’t go far enough to explain how I was treated by other people at school
It’s a time I hated
Felsted was was a bad experience for me. I made the naive error of saying in the dorm,days after starting there, I knew little about sex, while the other boys were boasting . That marked me out as a weirdo.
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