Accommodations for college

I made it this far without using any accommodations; I just need three more classes for my AA degree. But boy, I have to pass this class so I’m using everything available which means tutors and accommodations. And we’re having a midterm this week and I PM’d the teacher and we’re only supposed to have 120 minutes for a 45 question test - but I get double that: 240 minutes. I would recommend for anyone having trouble in college to look into accommodations. I swallowed my pride and used them because I’m not taking any chances on failing this course. Well, I hope I do well.


I wish I knew about this when I was in university.
Anyways, I got my degree.

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I’m glad you got the accommodations you need. My daughter needs them too but doesn’t want to admit it so she goes without. She keeps failing classes. Now, she’s not taking them at all

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That’s too bad. No shame in getting a little help.

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I agree @77nick77

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Good job in pushing towards your AA degree @77nick77! Keep up the good work! You can do it!


I got my associates over the summer, and I definitely am thankful to have had accommodations.

You’re almost there! Use every resource you can! Goodluck!


You’re doing great @77nick77. Keep up the good work.

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I had no accommodations when I got my associates degree in aircraft maintenance technology.

I am quick with tests. You either know it or you don’t. Usually finished first so I don’t know what else they could have done but every little bit helps.

My class was small though. There were only 8 of us and it was in person. Only 4 of us finished so I got a lot of time with the instructors. I think that really made the difference. There were three instructors so I could always usually get one on one instruction if I needed it.

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