I got access to my mail at work again. I have been gone for 5 years from the office. I found very disturbing emails I had written while psychotic. I have been deleting mail for a whole day almost 1200 email deleted. I don’t want anyone to get a hold of those messages. Unfortunately I can not delete mail in the recieving end. I hope they have forgotten my behavior.
Outch. Is it going to take long to delete them all?
I think the worst part is done. There might be some more that I might find. But most of it is gone.
Just put your best foot forward from where you are now. Don’t let your mentality totally swing the other way, into self loathing and neurosis, over this. To paraphrase Osteen, God gave you your personality and psyche and has plans for you; it’s no problem for Him. If that’s not your thing, perhaps try to move past fretting over it by reciting to yourself the quotes on the hot sauce packets from Taco Bell. “I’m spicy. Deal with it.” Leave it at that and let it go.
Just tell Sally from Accounting that you didn’t mean to email her a photocopy of your butt.
Tell her it was actually meant for Frank in Human Resources.
Hahaha! I’ll do that!
i commend you for your bravery. I quit my job where I had the episode it was a permenant job and I regret doing it because now I am in a temp job and it’s hard to find anything long term. So I really admire your courage to go back.
Thank you. My old boss is not there anymore. New people in the management. Makes it easier to come back. Almost all people in the management from that time has been replaced for different reasons.