Abstract/diagrammatic reasoning

This is a definition in relation to children and learning https://mindprintlearning.com/blog/know-your-child-abstract-reasoning/

Here are practice tests for adults. http://www.practiceaptitudetests.com/diagrammatic-reasoning-tests/ I scored 10% on test 1 practice mode.

I have heard that abstract reasoning can be impaired in schizophrenia. I am not sure about psychosis in general.

Not me. My problem is I get bored of doing the same thing quickly and have to keep trying different things. I enjoy finding unusual solutions to common problems.

You are very much cognitively an exception. I think anyone who is visual spatially impaired would have difficulty with the test. I find it very hard to think pictorially . Probably explains,going off on a tangent, why I am such a lousy drawer .
;I am not averse to new concepts/solutions so long as they are expressed verbally. To tell you the truth those “diagrams” looked like gobbledygook to me.

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