Hi, I have schizoaffective, bipolar type and my boyfriend…well ex as of a week ago, is schizophrenic. He broke up with me recently and I was having questions in my mind about my bf that i thought another male sz might be able to answer or give me some insight about. For starters, do you think it’s not uncommon for a depressed sz guy to break up with his gf due to his mental illness symptoms and relationship stress? That might sound like a silly question. I’m not sure what I want to know… If a sz guy is sort of paranoid or having bad thoughts where voices or thoughts are making him think his gf is cheating or doesn’t care about him, might be break up with that girlfriend because of that? I’m just trying to understand how the illness or thinking processes can affect romantic relationships sometimes, especially seeing as i’m more bipolar than schizophrenic. Thanks!
He could of been paranoid I would follow up with him and see why he wanted to end the relationship
There are a lot of things that can go wrong. I don’t know if he thought something delusional, was feeling anxiety and couldn’t handle the relationships problems combined with his condition. Or he had some normal reason for breaking up and his illness really didn’t contribute much of a factor to his reasoning.
That you also have an illness like his could’ve helped or hurt the relationship just as much as anything.
I Am Confused Mr. Dancing Banana… . …
I think he’s saying that breakups are rarely one-sided
Sometimes breakups are just breakups,
It has nothing to do with mental illness.
He could be feeling he’s a burden on you, and doing you a favour by letting you go. That’s a possibility.
We’re not in his shoes, so it’s hard to say.
I quit dating all together, when I get depression I push people away, always have and yes I would not trust anyone when in Psychosis, would think they are the ones leading the plot to get me.
I have always failed at relationships and decided to quit trying, I prefer the pain of being alone over the pain of making the trip back to being alone
So the answer is yes, SZ and depression can ruin many relationships, been on meds for years that work so not sure how I would do now, think it has been to long to even try though
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