About kids

2 things that were said to me:
“They’re a lot of work and a lot of worry.”
“They’re cute when they’re little but after awhile, they get whiney.”
I think those statements are true but I’m sure there are more positive statements to be made.
Does anyone want to comment?

:moneybag: :moneybag: :moneybag:

Maybe not a positive statement, but true.

Right. Kids are expensive.

One reason to have kids is to pass on your genes, to give yourself a little bit of immortality.

When I was young, my self esteem was so low, I’m sure I didn’t think like that.

That’s true but I figure that my sisters genes are similar enough to mine that her kids will be sufficient.

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People tell me that my hands are full, but so is my heart. I saw that sign on someone’s door like the Live, Laugh, Love sign? I have 3 children and I love them dearly but they are work. It’s a two person job. It takes a village actually!

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