Abnormal Psychology Textbook

All of the time through the years of illnesses there are innundations with advertisements, although valid factual information faces us face to face, often times, before one can respond likening improvements in health to finding a needle in a haystack.


Abnormal Psychology is a 2nd year university course that introduces to the student the various mental illnesses and how to diagnose. Abnormal Psychology also deals with pharmacology and how the various anti-psychotic medication inhibit the neurotransmitters such as epinephrine, nor-epinephrine, dopamine and serotonin from triggering.

This was one of my books in university:


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I took 4 psychology courses as electives. My main program was kinesiology/physiotherapy.

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Wanna Know Whats Abnormal About Abnormal Psychology?.

The World Is Full Of ‘Ticks And Leeches’. . .

That Prey On The Timid, Humble, Meek And Lost. . .

it’s Sickening Really.

Hope, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Eternal Peace!.

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