I just wanted to make a post to underline this term -Abdominal Obesity-. This is a risk factor for the progression of a lot of illness, but many of us would not think we are obese, even though the medicine gives us fat bellies. You can just be a little overweight and have this abdominal obesity problem. I have started to develop it lately, and am trying a little bit to try and reduce it. It is covered in the general term obesity, but up until I started to read about abdominal obesity, I didn’t think I was obese, just overweight. But with abdominal obesity you can be mildly overweight and still be obese. I wish someone would have made this more clear to me before.
That’s interesting to know, I’ve not come across this term before but it definitely applies to me.
me too I have a belly even when I do lose some weight, I hate it but what Can I do about it nothing also it could just be water retention I am on a small dose water pill, but it doesn’t seem to help with me feeling like all my weight is in my belly somedays its flatter other days fatter.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it was applied to everyone on antipsychotics - I do wonder. What is the relationship between this meds and obesity; why can’t they figure out the fix yet. It’s been a long time since antipsychotics were introduced - human biology sure is complicated.
Yes I was told most psych meds can cause weightgain
I look like a pregnant woman.