A weird phenomena when travelling

well it doesn’t happen as much anymore but when i was unmedicated and taking buses all around the country i would go places i’d never been and thinking i had been there before, which led to my beliefs that my past life recall was real. one time i went to boston, massachusetts, and left convinced that in a past life i helped to build the city as a carpenter or mason or something. and it wasn’t just there it was all around, the redwoods, seattle, el paso, montana, st augustine florida all over really. i would go places and they would seem so familiar. now that im medicated i don’t get these feeliings anymore when i go places.

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i remember i took an amtrak to new york city and we stopped at a train stop in rochester, new york or something and i went in the station and i was like “woah, i’ve been here before”.

i seemed to get these feelings more when i went east than west, but also got these feelings out west in certain places, usually around the coast or sometimes in the mountains, like in estes park in colorado. so i began to wonder if in fact i should start going east more and maybe even back to europe, instead of my habit of “go west young man”.

another thing i considered was i was on holy ground or something and i was sensing things because of it.

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