Pretty random. I was walking home from the store and a tree growled at me. First time in awhile that ive heard an external voice.
You’re telling me.
I think dishwashers are making fun of me lol
That’s bizarre.
Typical of the voices I guess.
The chanting in the shower or the heater making it sound like people are arguing. It doesnt happen often tho.
Bizarre indeed
Trees are a trigger for me sometimes. If you continue to notice more voices you might want to schedule something with your pdoc. But it’s likely with all the stress you’re having some breakthrough symptoms.
That is some serious psychological ping pong
I still hear voices and music from the fan in the bathroom. They never went away even though I’m stable. Never heard them before Dec. 2017 when I almost had a complete break. Not so strange, I guess, because I don’t have complete symptom relief. The meds make like a hell of a lot easier though.
Sometimes wen I hear the blood rushing in my head at night, voices try to come thru, it’s very subtle and I try to avoid it by re positioning my head
I used to hear ringing in my ear when my voices were communicating with me. I thought they were trying to get out.
I feel light or energy in my head with my eyelids fluttering I can feel the light or some thing my head. It feels good but the voices say its gonna turn into limitless torture when I die
Yeah Zeus said that tree is his cousin.
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