A symptom of parkinsonism I did not know

Its inability to feel emotions. Found out recently. I was on haloperidol and had a parkinsonism. I did not have tremors or stiff muscles, I wasnt able to feel emotions and my memory was severely impaired. ■■■■ haloperidol

Haloperidol didn’t make me emotionless but other APs did. I forgot which ones though

Hoe long so far you been on Invega?

I’ve been on Invega for 3 weeks now

How is it? I noticed almost full effects at 6 weeks mark only

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I’m having to work hard all day long everyday to convince myself people are telling me the truth that the men aren’t surveillance me and wanting to torture me if I do something wrong. I’m struggling. But I just started a higher dose so I hope it helps

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Zmgirl I wish you the best of luck on your new meds. And hopefully the men will vanish in time.

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Thanks @columbus :slight_smile:

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