"A Rush of Blood to the Head" turned 15 on Friday!

Actually listening to _Mylo Xloto right now, but I got a post from CBC Music on my Facebook news feed on Friday about the album. I remember buying the album at a retail music store in uptown Saint John, about maybe 3 or 4 days after it came out. The funny thing about it is, I don’t remember the 1st time I put it on, but the 2nd time hearing the fading in of “Polotik”, I started to believe the the hype I was reading and hearing that it wasn’t just one of the best albums of 2002, but also one of the greatest albums of all time! It’s currently my 3rd favourite album of all time! Any Coldplay fans here?


I’m a huge Coldplay fan.

Tear stream, on your face, when you lose something you cannot replace.

Those lyrics always remind me of my situation with schizophrenia.


I will try…TO FIX YOU

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