A random outpourig of thoughts

Experiencing an upsurge in impulsivity . The worst I’ve had for several decades . Have had to mute an individual and a group of his, on FB, that was throwing fuel on the fire.

Frustrated that it’s 33 months since I was discharged from the physical rehab centre, and I can’t be upright doing things for very long before pain ,that can make me swear, kicks in.


What exactly happens when you feel like this?

An interest that’s harmless in sensible moderation becomes something on which far too much money is spent. I’d say it’s very much trauma driven impulsivity. ’ I need more proof that doing well on this(high range IQ tests)‘means I’m not totally stupid and useless.’. I’m not coping too well with the effects of the bullying related trauma at the moment.

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That’s not good. Who cares about what a test says?

I did the tests a few years back, when I was sick. It was done by a psychologist.

I got average points except for my theoretical ability, it was higher than average.

But I’m not able to use my abilities because I’m not able to study or work. I’m sick!

I have the same. It really sucks. I just recently had a nightmare about it. Some people are just awful. I’m sorry you have trauma because of it. You seem to be a very good guy @firemonkey. I hope you see that in you!

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Thank you @Speedy . I think if I was more self confident I wouldn’t be quite so obsessive about them. I’m now a pensioner, but had zero paid employment when of working age. I think that had far more to do with severe social anxiety, and psychological factors, than the schizophrenia/schizoaffective. I’d venture to say that comparatively speaking my schizophrenia/schizoaffective is at the milder end of a severe mental illness. I certainly know of people on this forum with comparatively worse symptoms of sz/sz-a who have a good record of employment.

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I wish you well @firemonkey
Please hang in there

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I’m working on that as well. I’m currently reading; Overcoming Low Self-Esteem by Melanie Fennell.

I bought a Kindle so I’m reading a lot of books on the subject.

Yeah I know what you mean. I suffer from panic attacks. I get them when I’m around people. It’s horrible.

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This comment from a member of FB’s high IQ community and my response, sums things up well.

I have had positive comments, but they’re for something where I just struck lucky in the genetic lottery of life.

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