A question for the guys

Did any of you guys make bombs and blow them up when you were young? There was this one guy I sort of knew through a friend, and he was obsessed with explosives. He didn’t want to hurt anybody, but he was obsessed with making loud booms. One time he stole 105 lbs. of dynamite. He said he was very afraid it would become unstable the whole time he had it. He blew it up a few sticks at a time, and then he got tired of worrying about it, and he blew up the last 40 lbs. of it all at once. He used to make a lot of bombs from the same recipe that Timothy McVeigh used. Again, he didn’t want to hurt anybody. He was just obsessed with loud booms. He didn’t blow up any buildings or other structures. He blew up rocks and trees. He blew part of his thumb off trying to make a blasting cap from lead azide. He left it sitting on this window sill where it was in the sun. That stuff became unstable from the heat, and when he picked it up it blew off part of his thumb. When I was in the military there were always reports of guys making bombs from military explosives, but the army really did not like that kind of behavior.


I used to like firecrackers.


Why is this just for guys? I’m female and used to take black powder and make little bombs to toss in the creek.


When I was a teen I wanted to build a fuel-air explosive bomb for fun but I rapidly renounced because of the technical difficulties. But I was fascinated by explosing devices and started accumulating documentation about nuclear weapons. I also played a lot of war games on computer. Completely crazy!!! Doing the military calms me a bit when I realized that war was something very serious and a dirty matter.

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Just firecrackers when I was younger. In Canada you are only allowed to use them at home on Victoria Day (Around May 23rd or 24th) and Canada Day (July 1st).


Agree with @anon4362788

Not quite bombs, but we used to set fires with matches and Aqua Net (it was the 80s) hair spray. And we used to throw those little bang snaps around to f**k with people.

Blowin’ ■■■■ up ain’t just for dudes.


I’m not allowed to have bang-booms any more.

The chemist in me likes to process them into things that were more fun.


@anon4362788 @Pandy

I think OP is addressing all of us. Both men and women.

Wanted to make colored smoke bomb while in school. Teacher mocking said no when I asked for one necessary ingredient which was in sci lab inventory.

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The title is For the guys.


My friends used to make smelly/stink bombs with vinegar, they smell really bad, made the whole corridor smell like rotten eggs and fart. He gave me one once and I used it.

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The corridor in school.

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Someone did that during my junior year in high school. Haha! It was nasty. It lingered for hours.

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Sorry. It’s just that I’d never met a woman who liked to make bombs before. I apologize for stereotyping.

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