A question Does bipolar people also faces negative symptoms of SZ

People with Bipolar can become paranoid even when not in a mood State like Mania or Depression.
It is possible.

If you think about it, (and this is what Iā€™ve been told). OCD is so irrational that itā€™s about as close to being psychotic as you can get without actually losing your mind. many of the behaviors that an OCD person has overlap with schizophrenia. Not to mention the strange obsessions.

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I totally agree @MeghillaGorilla1
My OCD symptoms are not rational many times.

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Perhaps, I never really bothered with it. I was always more doubtful about personality disorders and how can one ā€˜fix itā€™ with therapy, since its something thatā€™s, basically, yourself.

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I have a procedure of cleaning the house that I need to do every morning. If I skip it for some reason, I get very nervous and confused and my day is ruined.

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I canā€™t leave my house unless I check my stove to make sure I didnā€™t leave it on. Iā€™ve had to turn the car around and go home numerous times because I forgot to do that.

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Each thing in my house has to be at its place. I go after my sister and kid and guests and fix it if they moved something. :confused:

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My pdoc told me they are all closely related with many overlapping symptoms and the diagnosis of a person can in theory technically could actually bounce from one to the other and back again, just because of small variations in the way they are defined. For example someone who has a long relapse from sz symptoms depending on when they are diagnosed or rediagnosed and present symptoms, the diagnosis could jump back and forth purely in definition alone.

He told me there is a fine line between sz, sza, and bipolar with psychotic features, but the terms are just purley labels, much of the treatments are the exact same between them and that is what is important. He told me it just takes time with a patient over different stressor periods to adaquetly put the proper label on someone. But he doesnt feel it that important to differentiate between them initially when treating someone because overall the treatment is so simalar. It does help overall to have the proper diagnosis but really that is for the doctors and the insurance companies for the most part. He told me as a patient to not worry about my ā€œlabelā€ just to concentrate on treatment which is the patients job.


My pdoc basically said the same thing

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Yes I get them.