The fourth way policy of separation caused a division in this false paradise. None of us will ever dream of getting close enough to see our seven masters or ask could them why they’ve been hiding. Instead we’ll abide by the social order and take our brainwashing medicines. Our truth hidden in shadows, blinded by power, only to escape in our delusions. There would always be our chemicals to soothe and escape these conditions. Conditions we had forgotten about, because our dreams were much too dazzling to betray us. They’d follow us on monitor and in our child-like complacency, we could care less anymore. Famously wealthy to our elected Gods, always glaring from their abysmal screens.
A consciousness we have forgotten about because our hopes and dreams dazzled and betrayed us. They would watch over us, and in our child-like complacency, we could care less about where we were or who our handlers were. Famous brilliant stars. These elect Few, always aware that we were below them. And so we turned inwardly against ourselves, prostrating to billboards, and blindly trading our souls for our false peace.
For many years, Central Meridia has been the corner-stone of rebellion. My mother taught me many things about life between the wars. She never spoke openly about it, but amongst the ruins of yesterday, the remains of a rebellion silenced haunted us like distant echoes from another time–a time when all nations were Sovereign, when man still had the chance to travel in time and the world was ripe with infinite possibilities.
This is one of the dreams I had as a little girl. I am standing on the edge of a massive rock over a vast blue ocean. A warm breeze tousles my hair, and suddenly a voice rises within me. It is as if the voice is singing and crying at once. The voice whispers, “You are a daughter of destiny.” A rush of calm settles over me. At once I fall to my knees, and tears start streaming down. The tears are everywhere, and they’re falling from the sky, becoming light. “Come back to the stars.”
They paved Paradise and Put up a Parking Lot - Central Meridia is like a military shopping mall, now known as a “SAFE ZONE” left untouched for many years for those who have opted to wait out the re-settlements of land, we travel by hover platforms which are pulled from place to place across this vast city on the water. Life in Central Meridia could be considered isolating, but it’s nothing compared to life on the territory of The New World Government, where mind control and subversion is so common-place, they aren’t thought to be fully human. I have two younger siblings, Molly whose turning eight this year and Bobby who is four.
All I know is that my father left for the military after his wife birth to her son… Some have hinted that my father had secretly joined the race-war, others say he is a communist. Bobby grew to be taller than Molly, even though he’d be the youngest in the family. He always loved to be spoiled. His hair was jet black. He also liked the color blue, like the ocean. My mother was beautiful. My name is Sarah and I am the oldest of three.
This epic adventure begins with an important meal, as it would be our last one together. One day we were all getting ready to have dinner. We were about to sit down, when a strange machine rose out of the ocean outside the dock. This machine was full of men in dark swim- suits with flashing armbands and bright orange helmets. I remember how they had filed out one by one and then chaotically barged into the house. Bobby was put into handcuffs and commanded to sit on the couch. Then Janet was interrogated by an officer of some-sort an identifier called the RFIDC, our stricken economy, and about her
failure to participate volunteering money and support to those who needed us most. The phrases were alien to me, such as: consumer-capital and passcode.
I heard a scream. Then an angry male voice shouting. Then more screaming and cries for help, but I couldn’t make out from who. My mind was going dark, the screams seemed to reach everywhere, from every house, windows were shattered. People screamed. Mothers cried. And I couldn’t see my mother. The room was full of black smoke. My ears and eyes burned. Then a felt a thump, as someone dragged me by the shoulders out onto the pavilion. I feared everyone was dead. When I woke up I wretched into a bucket, my eyes refocused as mom bent over to hold me said that every male, including boys no matter how young, were taken away from Meridia.
They took my brother away. I knew we would never see him again. I wanted to understand. I cried at nights thinking, praying. I would tell Mom that I wanted to participate. I knew that the war was all the mattered. The war. There is an old saying which is that, “God shelters everyone, even the scum of the Earth.” I knew that even though I’d never seen one; that the giant spider machines and planes also had to be a part of this foreign world I had never seen. I saw it all in my head. Spiders, planes, big oil monsters gobbling up the ocean. In these nightmares I also saw my brother, Bobby. He was standing in the wreckage of a battle. White crosses and rubble followed him everywhere he went. He would sit in one of these giant machines, and he would watch another free society go up in flames. Because burning bodies were the price-tag attached to his future, he forgot all about his family.
The Endless Delusion
Three years later and their economy rapidly transformed. Where ordinary citizens could at last rush to the top and stare down at their minions. The Great Foundation prospered and was branded into every essence of life. The Great Foundation was finalized by a former US president who had ties to the KGB, and wanted to control everyone. He called it, a world at peace, where no war or violence existed.
He wanted to rewrite history and shape the minds of every presence on earth. Yet the crazed religious suicides and violent dissent sparked a separation. After the Race-War was initiated by a branch of the CIA united with the World Health Organization and defense contractors to coerce everyone into DNA testing and social experimentation. The Race War hit the American U.S and Canadian population first, then South America.
Instead, a great awakening turned into endless tyranny and eventually silence. For soon those elect few decided that they were God-chosen to sweep this planet of her soul. Believing it was their time to quell the fever of freedom and rise of rebellion, they would deal an unforgotten blow to this dissent, and pave their golden paradise with the death of the millions of resisters. Those chosen few went unscathed, and yet all would soon turn and beg for their salvation as this mass epidemic of sickness swept the planet and nearly destroyed all life.
And so the earth was remade. When the survivors couldn’t take it anymore, they begged on their knees to the Royal Elect to be saved. Then taken in to the remaining hospitals to be brainwashed, conditioned, and “cured”. Some few would pay millions for a BlackMarket cure, and a very few would steal the formula, forever in hiding until their children left them into the world happily.
"The only price for truth is our happiness, and to get happiness we pay for perfection,” once said a great and powerful member of The League of Dreams. I could go on for decades about how we became so corrupt, but I must continue my story. It was three yeas after my brother was taken that we learned that Meridia was under attack, and we needed to flee. We didn’t know that the world sought to exterminate our families, and that the children had been chosen for future combats.
All transportation in America is restricted. Too expensive for minorities to afford. They are strictly for the chosen few and military police. The rest of us? Well, if you’re not bound through an RFID Ink Code, you’ll be arrested on sight. You can only travel with a Handler or a Lead who has the Official Clearance. If you do not get your hand stamped with your electronic ID, then you are subject to arrest and confinement without representation and accused of identity theft. If you are not wanted in the system or unable to enforce it, you’re an extreme outlaw, rebel, or terrorist.
So, thus began our journey to the very place we feared and hated. My mother bought us tickets to board the refugee ship which would carry us across the water to the Coast of NEW AMERICA. It was so dark inside the ship, but at night I swore I saw a star. We were very scared that once we got to AMERICA, they would send us back home. The air was cool at night, but our hope warmed us and our curiosity seemed to keep the tears away. We were leaving, alone. Two young girls, outcasts, with no idea of where we were going.
There was always a hope that “The ONE” was still striving within me. The beat of my heart pounded with the rhythm of the ocean. I knew I would find peace. We were drowning in rage. We would have had more time to prepare if we had known sooner. But, news caught on slowly to Meridia. How could these horrible men be coming again? This time in search of not just little boys, but young girls to fight their wars.
They’re stealing our children!
A New Age of Evolution
Molly hid herself from the eyes following her everywhere. Molly had left The Treatment Center years ago, her home. She had forgotten her memories. She buried her face in a book, and for a moment she was lost to another place. She was there, in a massive city filled with spiraling kaleidoscopic towers, colorful architecture…nothing bland…nothing boring. She could hear the voice speaking to her from somewhere deep within, and soon enough her migraines took over. For nearly many years had the memory of a once-powerful city remained solely in our minds, while its broken walls, ruined towers, and highways lay buried deep within its filth.
I lived in The City of Steel, far from the ancient buildings now crumbling to dust. There was no crime and no poverty. It was protected and had enough imported goods for us to live comfortably. Although it was considered one of our country’s best cities, The City of Steel did not come with a happy story. This city was once the capital of the world empire before chemical warfare destroyed even false peace. Diseases wiped out thousands of lives.
No matter how terrible it was, our country could not do anything to stop it. It spread and could have threatened other cities as well if it had not finally been gotten under control. People discovered the source of the virus. Days went by and nothing could be done about it, other than to not drink the water. Day by day the death toll climbed the charts. The virus was unstoppable and nothing could be done to cure it.
It was fatal to all. Finally, after days of silence and emptiness, our country got the germs under control. When this City was finally repopulated, it was renamed The City of Peace. Despite that it was over-polluted, it thrived. Despite its mechanical fumes and hazardous chemical waste reservoirs, it was the most free of corruption and a safe place to live. Only the very wealthy lived there, in an almost surreal city, where the decapitated remains of our machines performed their daily tasks, machines we’d created for only us. We were asked to participate, cooperate, doing only what was necessary to survive. The City of Peace could be compared to an elephant graveyard with bones made of steel, and from the stench of toxic gas could one smell its rotting corpses.
There was a time once when we had more opportunities to change the world we lived in. Then, before the beast had taken over our land and put us to work for it, had we not surrendered our hopes as we had yet trembled before its all seeing. There was once a time of peace, of disobedience, of freedom. And if you think about it, it is truly beautiful compared to the quietude of blind obedience. They were individuals with choices. They could make up their own minds, and they didn’t have to slave away just to live. They didn’t live for this beast that still inhabits The City of Peace. But that was a time when things were still good.
There is yet to be a standing history of cities long ago. Here, the words that have survived all wars in all but their meager and fragmentary form will be analyzed and reorganized. These were our secrets. Secrets, mingled with accumulated myths and legends of the coming beast. They are the conspiracies. Only now through electronic records can we decipher all that once had been of the great world’s city. In these remnants of our ancestry, contain all that can be derived from references in the Order and the compilations of classical myths on human acts of justice. There’s nothing left of our future, only the past remains in a form we are forced to dissect.
As we march on towards full oblivion, centuries of human progress are being fed in through our machines…only with these bitter recollections that we gather, through our willpower and constant speculations, do we have the chance to ever unveil the real truth. As we collect and piece together bits of information, we are drawing ever closer to the ultimate truth about Project 0blivion.
Will it ever be passed under the scrutiny of our future scholars? This is something that we all have hoped for. History still remains the same. And only through this compiling, can a world blinded by our own human folly change. We learn to recognize patterns that influence this new world we live in now.
There were intervals of silence that our cultural influence seemed to perpetuate. Our City was hot with anger and protestors lined the streets with signs screaming for answers. And although their voices were not strong enough to shake the walls of their falling foundations, they were loud enough to be heard across the world.
What justifies another person’s rights over our own? There was a bombardment of hearts that screamed: “The outsiders must be exterminated. They need to be punished, and we all need to be safe.” As propaganda traveled far and wide through vast cities of the coast, reaching intersecting streets of the rich and spreading across the world, more and more questions washed ashore.
People wanted to know, and it could not be kept a secret for much longer. A sudden surge of rebellion threatened our leaders’ agendas. All eyes were upon them now. The people became our leader’s criminals. Somehow, the questions diminished like fading reflections, and eventually all surrendered silently.
Somehow silence is all that we seem to remember.
When the intelligence of the attacks was put forth, who was concerned in it? Who had our interests in mind? It seemed our leader had had dreams of re-establishing democracy. Yet Democracy had failed. Now all our secret information would be gathered through trade. We collected memory sticks from friends with common interests through the underground network. Not all remained silent. A new underground order was in place. It was a group of people just like you and I, who would not be kept quiet and so together, formed a massive world-resistance, and called it the League of Dreams.
My name is Molly; I once worked for the people who sought to destroy every dream ever created. Yet, my mission as a historian had not always been to erase the truth. I was once a part of a system that was specifically brought about to educate the people about their past. Things have changed since then.
The Airport, Tuesday September 12
Molly walked into the airport and headed directly to the changing room. A large policewoman checked her pockets. Then she removed her jacket. The woman checked the pockets of the jacket, and then commanded her to move along. Molly always hated that, even with body scanners people still had to remove clothing. Everyone did. This was the only way that they could be sure no illegal aliens, terrorists, or black market items could come aboard the plane. The plane took off as Molly looked down at the palm trees, streets, and city lights through the small window as they disappeared.
“Goodbye…” She whispered to the city as it gradually faded from sight.
The Children of Destiny
The Great World Order had come, and was welcomed by an authority on our future. After the United States had lost its power, nothing but chaos had remained for so long that people wanted and needed order. We had thirteen years of nothing but war and anarchy across the globe. Rebels led the takeover of lands across Earth. People were used for them as merely soldiers or tools.
War and conquest had become such a routine of life. It was a game of who would wipe out whom first, and who would pay humanity’s price. Only those with enough control and power could ever ask those questions. It was our best choice when The Great World Order presented itself. Yet it was never a revolution. Everyone believed it would set them free and we were ready for peace. So we made the biggest or pettiest sacrifices to achieve it. We voted for it and ignored our fears of propaganda.
The majority of populations across the world wanted World Order and peace.
And then it was as if we had forgotten, as if we had carried on without the slightest notion of our history. Only this time, it had no sectional representation, and there were no more nations. It had become everything the people hated, loathed, and wanted to destroy. It was all that we ever knew as kids. Every person over eighteen had a say and to vote on issues on the world’s issues. People had no reason busy as they were, to realize that this was still completely wrong.
It worked like this, the socialists were ruled by the capitalists, and the capitalists were ruled by the Architects, the designers. The designers organized everything, every fundamental way we lived our lives from day-to-day. The designers had the most power on earth. In publications by the designers whose identities remain highly secret, they’ve said only that God was their divine motivator, their inspiration, and the source of the new foundation of progress. God is so much more than that.
I believe now that God, if he is the true master Architect, is not the original God of our lost world. They were not motivated by an all loving God, a divine source in the stars. I never believed God was a dictator, and that’s partly because of where I’m from…where I’ve been outside cast off from all the respectable people. God isn’t a dream or a hope for mankind. God is not the puppet-master, and we are not his strings.
The forces that have engineered our dreams and fueled our electric life for ages cannot be undone. And so the designers hide behind the shadows, the elites, the corporate leaders who claim that our new order is now the highest peak of civilization. No longer must we have to struggle to survive, the path has been laid out before us, brick by brick. It is the path of the future.
In the Technocracy of The Foundation, we have martyred, murdered, and fed ourselves to our machines. These machines have carried out tasks no mortal could or would want to. They crippled lost nations, defeated empires, and brought peace to the world. Men toil behind the machinery, no longer casualties, but accessories. The scientists who create our machines lead our industries. Our industries lead our world.
Our Foundation is just industry. What purpose is it? Those who did not serve God’s Foundation will never know such a purpose. The rest of us are worthless. The industrial revolution had begun as a revolution of progress, but in 2001 the Industrial age was turned counter-clockwise. It was an industrial dream turned nightmare, turned against us. Machines took over. Everything was electric and everything was instantly digitally ours. Then when the CIA took over Congress and initiated a massive spying protocol i.e. PRISM, and this was leaked by Edward Snowden, a possible double agent or Russian spy. Dissidents, free-thinkers were the children of the new age, the Indigo Revolution had begun. To become passive slaves, drugging ourselves into child-like complacency, to dance on the edge of our future’s uncertainty.
As each opportunity had slipped away, we learned to sacrifice choice for a sociopathic false economy. As every minute escapes, a greedy mouth swallows another placebo pill to satiate the rebellion. The world has lost all love and meaning. And so we prostrate ourselves to billboards and worship our technological empire of madness. This is how we’ve traded our souls for a false flag. That is how we made a prison for the world, a divided paradise.
My name is Sarah. I was born on the outskirts of modern society to the city of Meridia. Meridia was built upon the ruin. Meridia was a station that evolved during WWIII, when people began to hate the idea of a one world government. Meridia is a sea city. It was a safe zone for weapons and technology that were manufactured solely for war, no matter who bought them. Self destruction is, after-all, the power we were given.
These sprawling mezzanines made our new system of life possible post World War Three. It became a place for those who opted to live in solitary, to wait out the re-habitation of the Foundation. These people were the ones who had secretly feared The Foundation, and therefore wanted to stay as far from its influence as possible. These moving platforms take us from place to place across the vast city on the water. Life in Meridia was sometimes isolating, but it was nothing compared to life on the territory of the Foundation.
For many years, Meridia was the only place where people like us were left alone. My mother taught me many things about life after the war. She spoke of the radical government that was formed when the United Stares fell into chaos. When the Foundation finally came to power, the lone government gave way to a simple court of dissenters of influence. These were people who had had authority before it fell. They knew more about governments than the New Foundation. They were revolutionaries. The class societies call them terrorists. But they stood their ground, and did not provoke others to hate them. They had money, and power, and influence in their small city. Mother emulated our government. It was the last and only government left outside the Foundation’s iron fist.
In this unwanted realm of constant flooding and ghetto technology, we were at home. Yet, there was always something innately calling to us. We were discards and anti-establishment rebels by nature"it was in our nature to crave revolution. It was also in our nature to crave freedom.
I remember how I would sit in my bedroom and stare out into the rolling waves. I felt a sort of dependency there. Perhaps it was even more-so a longing caused by ebb and flow of the tides. Every so often when I traveled, I could feel a secret rage rise within me. I had a good family: my sister Molly, my brother Bobby, and Mother who loved and took care of us.
Of course, Father had left for war long after I was born. This was more normal for most families; even the higher class couldn’t escape the drafting imposed by the Foundation. The story I am about to tell you is one of searching for meaning in the past and the future of our world… This is the story of how I came to find out what my freedom really means to me. It is a story that only outcasts and dreamers and revolutionaries will ever understand.
The New World Order
Three years later and their economy rapidly transformed. Where ordinary citizens could at last rush to the top and stare down at their minions. The Great Foundation prospered and was branded into every essence of life.
The Great Order was President L. Herbert’s dream of a peaceful utopian world. One where no war or violence existed. He wanted to rewrite history and shape the minds of every living body on earth. Yet the crazed religious suicides, anarchist violent anger, and overall dissent sparked by the informed, crazy, enlightened or just plane revolutionary had not been enough for the wealthy. The Great Foundation was supposed to so many things.
Instead, a great awakening turned into endless tyranny and eventually silence. For soon those elect few decided that they were God-chosen to sweep this planet of her soul. Believing it was their time to quell the fever of freedom and rise of rebellion, they would deal an unforgotten blow to this dissent, and pave their golden paradise with the death of the millions of resisters. Those chosen few went unscathed, and yet all would soon turn and beg for their salvation as this mass epidemic of sickness swept the planet and nearly destroyed all life.
And so the earth was remade. When the survivors couldn’t take it anymore, they begged on their knees to the Royal Elect to be saved. Then taken in to the remaining hospitals to be brainwashed, conditioned, and “cured”. Some few would pay millions for a BlackMarket cure, and a very few would steal the formula, forever in hiding until their children left them into the world happily.
"The only price for truth is our happiness, and to get happiness we pay for perfection,” once said a great and powerful member of The League of Dreams. I could go on for decades about how we became so corrupt, but I must continue my story.
It was nearly four years after my brother was kidnapped from Meridia, that we learned of the threat. The kidnappers were coming to “save us” and we needed to flee as far as we could in hopes of getting away from what the citizens seemed to want: a perfect life. All the roads that make up the highways are intended for "upper class travel” only. Much too expensive for us outcasts to afford. They are for the factory owners and military police. The rest of us? Well, if you’re bound through RFID INK, you are allowed to participate in some of society. Though, you cannot travel without a Lead who has that Official Clearance.
Even worse, if you are not legally bound through RFID INK. you cannot get a job, and are not allowed anywhere in society because you are an outlaw. This is how the new system works and if you are not wanted in the system or unable to enforce it, you are an outcast. It is out of their mercy that they won’t kill us. Of course, we don’t want to be citizens anyways. That’s why my mother moved to Meridia. Outcasts here had joined together and formed a free society away from The Great Foundation’s. Instead of using money, we use the old method of trading one resource for another.
And so began our journey to the very place we feared and hated. My mother bought us tickets to board a large boat which would carry us across the water to The Coast of AMERA. It was so dark inside the ship, but at night I swore I saw a star. We were very scared that once we got to AMERA, they would send us back home. The air was cool at night, but our hope warmed us and our curiosity seemed to keep the tears away. We were leaving, alone. Two young girls, outcasts, with no idea of where we were going.
There was always a hope that “The ONE” was still striving within me.
“It is brilliance, pure brilliance, if I do say so myself!” said The Great Foundation’s Step Lord Roth Branes, “Now, I’m going to give you all a great Bible Lesson, though some of you have heard it many times before. In the beginning, God created two separate bodies to live together in the Garden of Eden. They were called Adam and Eve and they lived in ultimate perfection. And, it was through the great fruit of knowledge that we learned to think for ourselves. Some have said that God told us not to eat the fruit as a test. Well it was! It was a test of human strength! The strength to know the importance of sacrifice for happiness. The fruit was our creation, and the fruit was also our initiation.
Remember that all our greatest wars were fought because we knew that our right to freedom outweighed everything else. We knew that if we could win against Satan, as we all know it is the enemy of progress, that we would have our Garden of Eden. Well, my friends, where does all my talk fit in? Well, today marks our first step towards getting back to the Garden of Eden.
It has been a very long time that men have forgotten to share the fruit of our knowledge with the female kind. We declare that from this day onward, all females will have all the rights of men! Every single law shall be amended for young females and boys. No longer will a man be forced to leave his loved ones for battle or leave his children forever. Together we will march, side by side, man and female; fathers and sons will be armed with love for the females will join in our great victory. When the evil enemy has died, our bonds will not be broken. United we are one. We are one! Now I invite our female sisters to come taste of the fruit and rejoice in salvation.”