The Radio is full of
Jokes and all that jive
But truth be told
It wants me dead or alive
More so dead I would have you believe.
The Radio is full of
Jokes and all that jive
But truth be told
It wants me dead or alive
More so dead I would have you believe.
Stop listening to the radio, Patrick.
And call your doctor first thing Monday.
Maybe call their emergency line and get the doctor on call.
You’re not well.
The Radio is relentless…torturing…mocking…spitting…hating…it’s everywhere and it’s endless.
You can turn it off.
Hey bud, I remember that video. If you would like to chat just let me know… I am up.
A soliloquy:
“Radio, Radio, where for art thou oh radio”?
Hang in there @anon39054230. You’ve gone through it before and come out of it and you’ll do it again.
Sending love your way @anon39054230. You’re a really great and important guy to your friends and family. But the people who run the radio station have never heard of you. Unless you mean @shutterbug’s radio station, but I think he’s considerate enough to know not to send you messages through his station. He would just PM you if he wanted to say something.
Actually @anon39054230 what if you just listened to Squirrel FM for a while? That way you would know exactly who was picking the songs, and you would know he’s a friend. Do you think that would be easier for you to stick with than just turning off the radio altogether?
Korn beat you too it
Note if this bothers you don’t listen too it
but it’s example that some others are experiencing the same thing
and instead of letting it frighten them they make fun of it.
Aw…see…in regards to the other thread about crying that just brought tears to me eyes.
It all seems demonic right now but some time down the road when you got your head screwed back in you’ll appreciate more the ‘Devil May Care’ psychology exhibited by artists like Korn.
Pat - one of my favorite songs by that band is only about thirty seconds long and has no title
The lyrics are: “You’ve got to believe there’s something better than this. You’ve got to believe there’s someone waiting at home.”
Collective Soul is all intentional and direct spiritual propaganda somewhat addressing both Einstein and Christianity (hence the name of the band)
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