This forum is a great place to hang out. Sometimes i lose interest. But overall 10 out of 10.
It’s cool…many interesting characters which make the forum tick.
I havn’t exhausted the things other members do, cause i am not computer literate.
This site is generally ‘snark free’…which can be a refreshing change from other forums I frequent.
I have a music site and a political site I participate in as well.
Yes this forum is. I used to hang out with friends before covid19 and moving. They would hang out at McDonald’s.
I kinda like it here. Maybe I’ll stick around.
it’s not bad to follow this forum at all, and to chip in once in a while when you get the feeling to
browsing this place makes me feel a bit more alive
I spend too much time here in the Afternoon. I’m trying to behave and be more productive with my days now this quarantine is upon us. As of tomorrow I am going to just come in the mornings my time and concentrate on hobby stuff. No offence to anyone but it’s so easy to spend time here with the peeps. It is a nice community.
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