[A person] in real life used my username in a sentence

…the other day, it got me super paranoid. I stopped the convo and said “wait… did you just say Bluey?”… they said it because they were talking about how i was obsessed with the color blue or something…

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Happens to me too. People say stuff I wanted to keep as a secret. I have not told them, they just hit bulls eye.

Lucky for me my forum handle is also my nickname in real life. Thing I would be a bit weirded out if someone just said my username in real life.

i wouldn’t like that unless i knew that they new i was on this forum and that was my username, i think sometimes people can say things that could mean something but is different from what we think.

My username is my nickname, so I took care of that when I first joined.
Actually, I couldn’t remember anything more original. :confused:

My grandfather used to call my brother Bluey (when he had red hair). Semi-relevant :smiley:

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It was just a coincidence. Awkward one though. But a lot of our user names reflect who we are. If I heard someone use the phrase ‘ever hopeful’, I’d be like ‘what?!’

Yeah I’d be surprised in almost all circumstances other than when speaking to a genetic counselor with a dark sense of humour :smile:

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