A nice article on Introvert in my google news feed

I know that feeling :rofl: IĀ“m quite monothematic, which produces the same effect.


Thats an interesting point as well. When an introvert goes extrovert the things they say mostly repel extroverts because they come from a deep place in the mind or is on one topic, as you say, they have been thinking about. And when an extrovert pulls an introvert they think deeply and make their comment saying something superficial about sports or pop culture :wink:


stands there awkwardly

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I think you always revert to your true nature. For me, even when taking the dopamine, it didnā€™t mean I wanted to be in a crowd, quite the opposite. I always saw it as a tool. Something to use to attain a tangible result. If I wasnā€™t being productive, I wasnā€™t enjoying myself. I hated being around people who just wanted to fck around and party, especially after my early twenties.

So while it did make me chatty, I know the awkward way in which I express myself was more pronounced, and my disinterest in people and their interests was still present.

Dopamine might make an introvert express themselves more, but Iā€™m not sure it can change their personality into being an extrovert. Not for me at least.


Idk I am what. Before sz I was a nerd introvert always studying but after sz, idk if its the abilify, I made new friends then lots of friends some of them are extrovert or too social. So I think I switched from introvert to the middle but not extrovert? My extrovert friends pushed me to be social and talk to people, infact they made me have more friends. But deep inside I still feel a bit different less social than them. Irl I am too shy of women especially dating for some reason but can make lots of male friends. I stress too much with the opposite sex only.

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Yes I think youā€™re right.


Maybe thatā€™s a nature-nurture conversation.
I believe itā€™s both. We have certain innate qualities but a great capacity for changeā€¦ But I think generally the apple doesnā€™t fall far from the tree.


Could be. But both of my parents are extroverts. :sweat_smile:


Lol maybe a bird carried your seed a little ways off :smile:


Ive had times where i had friends and times when I didnt. If i really look close at the period between 2008 and 2010 i was becoming active socially at times which may indicate high dopamine in my brain and then becoming psychotic and withdrawn after 2010 like with negatives from low dopamine.

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Before sz I yoyoed between having many friends to none self isolating. I think its part of prodromal sz, thats what I read. Then I lost all my friends when I got psychotic and diagnosed, the worst part is that I didnā€™t care and wanted to stay alone. I was put on Abilify and soon after I wanted to make friends so contacted old school friends on FB and a guy I know from work. Then they made me meet their friends, I became friend with their friends etc Now on risperidone I lost lots of friends bcz I stay home 24/7 mostly in bed but I have 2-3 friends who stayed with me and didnā€™t mind if I stopped hanging out with them luckily. We talk everyday. But I have no female friend, too much stress for me.

Yep in my prodromal i became uninterested in socializing. When i was psychotic i also lost friends and didnt care.

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