Here’s a tune in Finnish/Estonian I finally finished. Electronic/Pop
This track is about how we are suppose to be in privacy.
The link doesn’t work it seems, dunno why. But the second song on this page:
This type of file can harm your computer. Do you want to proceed anyway?
It is an unvalid warning, the link gets you to my soundclick page, nothinng to worry about - just click anyway.
I discarded, honey, sorry it didn’t work out, unless you want to send the link again.
Well here’s my official homepage that has an embedded player. The second track is the one I tried to announce:
well it was nice
couldn’t make out any of the language though
it reminds of some Bjork for some reason.
Electronic seems dreamy at times.
Thanx a lot! The rhythm was something i’ve never done so far. Tat-a-tat-a…
Bjork eh, well it’s good if it reminded it for sure. But yeah:
“Tähtihelvetin portit, ne pitäis sulkea, älä avaa mieleni kantta, nautinto on privatisimia” means
“Star-hell gates, we should close them, don’t open the cap of my mind, the pleasure relies on privacy”.
Are you Finnish? I’m literally in the process of trying to learn Finnish as I have tons of family in Finland. My paternal grandfather was from Finland. I’ve been to Helsinki once but it was only for the day. Took a ship from Stockholm over when I was visiting a friend in Sweden. February wasn’t exactly the best time of year to vacation there!! Burrr!! Lol
Why does everything on this post want to download and infect my pc
The soundclick URL links to a Flash Player file. I think it’s legit but I haven’t tested it.
I took the link out of your OP, @Heigen5. It is pretty stressful to see those warnings that pop up all the time, and your other link seems to work fine.
I live in Finland and speak perfect finnish, but I was born in Estonia. My grandfather was a Fin so I’m a hybrid of Fin/Est. By the way, lots of the people find finnish hard to learn, but I had an advances as Estonian is very similiar to finnish.
Ok, hey it used to be able to embedd a sounclick player to posts before, but now not?
Yeah, doesn’t seem like it worked this time.
Yes, I’ve heard it is one of the hardest languages to learn. I do find the grammar extremely difficult, but I’m thinking about adding some Finnish audio learning to my ipod to listen to while I sleep. Studies have found that your subconscious still learns when you are not consciously aware and can help you learn something faster. It’s a theory I’m willing to give a try, especially since I’m hoping to make a trip to Finland to meet some family in 2020…(even though they do all pretty much speak English too). Learning the language would still help me connect with my Finnish roots. Afterall, my DNA shows I’m more Finnish than anything else…then Swedish…then British/Irish…and small bits of a couple other countries.
Can I make a remix of this? If so please email me a high quality .wav file
Is it okay if I make a remix if this song. If so please email me a high quality .wav file so I can make one. Thanks!
Don’t post your e-mail publicly, @anon92887483. You can communicate about this over PMs.