A machine learning approach for predicting risk of schizophrenia using a blood test

# A machine learning approach for predicting risk of schizophrenia using a blood test

An innovative strategy that analyzes a region of the genome offers the possibility of early diagnosis of schizophrenia, reports a team led by researchers at Baylor College of Medicine. The strategy applied a machine learning algorithm called SPLS-DA to analyze specific regions of the human genome called CoRSIVs, hoping to reveal epigenetic markers for the condition.


From another source, an interesting bit:

“We believe our findings hold promise for early detection of individuals at high risk for schizophrenia, as early as at birth. In 2019, we identified nearly 10,000 CoRSIVs in the human genome. Our current results are based on only the 10% of these that are informative on the Illumina HM450 methylation array. It is not unreasonable to imagine that a screening tool based on all 10,000 CoRSIVs will provide much greater sensitivity and specificity,” said Waterland.

Now only if they can make a genetic treatment using info they found about sz genes.

I believe a genetic treatment would treat all sz symptoms 100% inculding negative and cognitive symptoms with minimal side effects.

I have a feeling technology will help with schizophrenia treatment in the future.

it is possible with mrna vaccsine tech for schizophrenia similar to covid

I posted this same article a few days ago here.

If they can develop tests that diagnose schizophrenia and other tests that predict which meds work best on your particular genetic makeup it would go a long ways to helping with treatment and outcomes.

I’ve had several different diagnoses and have been on several different medications until I found the right one.

The particularly cool thing about this is it wouldn’t have to be gene editing, which has a lot more barriers to use.

In DNA from blood samples, the team identified epigenetic markers, a profile of methyl chemical groups in the DNA, that differ between people diagnosed with schizophrenia and people without the disease

Epigenetics is a system for molecular marking of DNA—it tells the different cells in the body which genes to turn on or off in that cell type

It doesn’t seem like they would have to “edit” genes so much as just turn them off or on, to be closer to the healthy person’s DNA methylation.

There are lots of things that can alter your epigenetics. Drugs are one of them.

The flexibility of the epigenome has generated an enticing argument to explore its reversion through pharmacological treatments as a strategy to ameliorate disease phenotypes. All three families of epigenetic proteins—readers, writers, and erasers—are druggable targets that can be addressed through small-molecule inhibitors. At present, a few drugs targeting epigenetic enzymes as well as analogues of epigenetic modifications have been introduced into the clinic use (e.g. to treat haematological malignancies), and a wide range of epigenetic-based drugs are undergoing clinical trials.