A lot of people are going bad

Symtoms appear to most of us, myself included and I can’t figure out why

People suck dude.

I’m over them.

I wish I had the means to live with the monkys

Maybe it’s the winter

It’s winter. It means less dayligt, more isolation, cold weather, lowered immune system…
Winter is not the best season for us.

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How you’ve been mate?

This is my first winter as a stable man, and one when I’m not in the hospital, doing drugs or have a kinda girlfriend. I’m all alone

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Ag alright bro. Abit depressed and posessed.

What u been up to

I’m Depress sad alone
I also drank these days

Man we should be kings and rule everything

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Ya man depression sux hard.

Are u on anti depressants?

No… One milion fuvking letters

I keep reading the title as “A lot of people are going bald” :stuck_out_tongue:

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not me. look at this hair just now. I am going silver though.

and as far as being bad, I’ve always been bad to the bone.


Nice to see you daze

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Phil hates his silver hair on his head and beard

and he dyes it brown. I thought I might end up like Cat Woman. hehe.

I use Herbal Essences on my hair

always loved those commercials as a kid.

Nice hair @Daze

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looking good @Daze


Phil says I looked pissed in this photo I just took

no, having a good day, no problems.

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