i dont belive i have schizophrenia i used to many times. but the last days ive whent back and fort if i was schizphrenic or not. my psychologist says that for here to take away my diagnosis i have to live without medications, wich is unberabely for me, but its not that worse that it used to be when i didnt take them. i dont belive i have schizophrenia. i just went tru a rough time thats all. maybe i have developed schizophrenia inn all that rough time but, if i belive what my psychologist say that she will take away my diagnosis when i dont need meds, that means that my schizophrenia atleast cane be gone. but maybe she means something else. that i wont ever stop taking meds and will always be “■■■■■■up”. but here is the real question. i cant stop taking my medication zyprexa and cipralex. i feel so bad, and why whould i feel bad if i dont have any illnes? i dont need meication because i dont have schizophrenia. and when i stop taking meds i feel wery wery strange. when i take my meds i an completely fine. i struggle but i dont struggle all the time its gets better when i learns about life. why do i feel so ■■■■■■upp when i dont take my meds. when i dont take my meds its feels i get psycotic or something :S i feel wery bad. its so strange. but i feel so fine right now. maybe i have schizophrenia. but mine i can take away i beleive. because if its all about a Chemical imbalanse medication is al i need to be ok. because when i stop taking medication i have no happy feeling and that its wery harsh, maybe my brain dont create these god feeling meds can give me so i feel bad. or maybe its just a period of time when my brain dont function to well butt will work fine so i dont need meds after a while. i take meds because i feel like taking my life i dont. i get wery depressed. its not a god feeling. i Wonder what would happend if meds werent around… but i really many times dont like having schizophrenia i think many times negativ of it… im much better when i think i dont have it and belive that. maybe i dont have schizophrenia when i take my meds.
Many believe that environmental stress and changes can trigger the onset of symptoms, but the propensity would have always been there. Not everyone develops to the point of diagnosis, but it is believed that schizophrenia is a spectrum that spans into the healthy population.
You think you are well. It’s only because you are on meds that help you. The meds are working for you. You just like to deny that sz diagnosis. Like me. But the fact of the matter is that you are sz. Without meds you will fall apart. I would like to think I’m not sz also. But i have tried without meds in the past only to find that being on meds keeps me from having symptoms. I have good days and bad days on meds only if stress factors are considered. I’ve been there done that. You only have a problem with diagnosis like me. I like to be without the diagnosis of sz because it would make me happy and be able to socialize easily, than with the diagnosis. Telling people you have sz is not easy to the general population. You get mixed feedback.
If you don’t or never did hallucinate voices or images, then I have a hard time believing you (or anyone else for that matter) should be diagnosed with “SZ”.
Maybe “bipolar” in the case of severe mood instability, but even though I’m not sure the best message for a person with such a dsyfunction is psychotropic drugs.
Have you ever hallucinated voices, people, or other various images? If not, then there could be a chance you have been misdiagnosed. In other regions, such as in the UK or Canada, they put clients on the lowest possible doses & then eventually completely ween them off of drugs when they feel confident enough.
Sad to say, that is not the state that Americans are in due to a lot of stigma still living on about SZ.
i heard workers banging at the top floor one time at a old friend, i smoked. it was wery god ■■■■. i was wery stressed out. i have mood swings and many thought but ive learn to not think alot. there are funner thing in life to do then struggle so i try to stop it, i lived isolated alot also and i lost friend and was al alone in other city. before i didnt want to be around People. i wanted to but it was to hard. now i dont want to be alone. i want to become a better person in this city i want to live With New cool friends. sometimes i dont think i have schizophrenia. its just been to long seens i’ve been laid and i have lived in my own world. life can be so strange. i dont think it matters if i have a illnes or not. its what i think. when im deppressed i think about negativ futures. i also had though bipolar. but i dont know why i maybe think sometimes i am schizophrenia. usaly when i thin i have schizophrenia is when i have a bad time. but i dont now. i just sharpened up. i can actually say that most of my life before my great deppression that changed my life, i have lived With no balls… i live in norway. on the South side. i dont really care if i have a illnes or not. if i can be sucsessfull thats all i care about. ewrybody struggles. i know what i need and im on my way there i hope so.
doctor will know
If your doctor is saying you do, you have to trust them. Otherwise you may never feel better.
Just keep taking your meds and feeling good? why jeopardize whether you have schizophrenia or not? If you feel funny off meds, perhaps that’s your answer.
Yes exactly like that
i heard workers banging at the top floor one time at a old friend, i smoked. it was wery god ■■■■. i was wery stressed out. i have mood swings and many thought but ive learn to not think alot. there are funner thing in life to do then struggle so i try to stop it, i lived isolated alot also and i lost friend and was al alone in other city. before i didnt want to be around People. i wanted to but it was to hard. now i dont want to be alone. i want to become a better person in this city i want to live With New cool friends. sometimes i dont think i have schizophrenia. its just been to long seens i’ve been laid and i have lived in my own world. life can be so strange. i dont think it matters if i have a illnes or not. its what i think. when im deppressed i think about negativ futures. i also had though bipolar. but i dont know why i maybe think sometimes i am schizophrenia. usaly when i thin i have schizophrenia is when i have a bad time. but i dont now. i just sharpened up. i can actually say that most of my life before my great deppression that changed my life, i have lived With no balls… i live in norway. on the South side. i dont really care if i have a illnes or not. if i can be sucsessfull thats all i care about. ewrybody struggles. i know what i need and im on my way there i hope so