apparently if you are under 60 and in a wheelchair with both legs, using one makes you lazy!
after being asked by this rude person as I was waiting for my anti rejection meds at the pharmacy just what my problem was I recited this list. yes the list is fairly long, but none of theses things however make me less of a person, and I refuse to let them make me think less of my self. feel free to laugh at some of them, I do, makes me feel better.
"I am Schizophrenic, Bi polar, ADD, and DPD, and those are my mental conditions.
My physical problems are a broken back a shattered and bolted together left leg, a shoulder with severe injury from being impaled, an allergy to most painkillers and anesthesia, an allergy to both cillin family and sulfide family antibiotics, an allergy to plant protiens, and blood disorder that makes me ineligable for organ donation, receiving is a nogo but not giving, my left arm has nerve damage from a dislocation when I was 12, and my right leg has apinched nerve in my hip from a partial dislocation when I was 18.
Not to mention the fact I am likely sterile and suffer from a hormonal imbalance that at times has made me lactate, yes lactate like new mom does, and everytime someone I am close to gets pregnant, I suffer a sympathetic pregnancy, which causes bloating, nausea and extreme food cravings!
Do all of these make me crippled, no but most of them do, am I receiving disability? not any more, I have too much money in my savings account, do I want this damn chair? NO I do NOT, but I have to use it for the next 6-8 weeks minimum or risk damaging my.
Do I et paid to deal with asshats like you who feel the need to accuse me of being lazy because I cannot walk? No, so fock off and mind your own business…"
I swear to god, one more person gives me greif abut this damn chair and I’m going to Left For Dead style and turn it into a machine gun chair…