To the diagnosed:
We are the fortunate ones for being able to go online to share thoughts and seek advice on the forum.
Sometimes we have argument or disagreement, but let’s resolve the conflicts peacefully.
We come here for support and we appreciate the equality of all.
To caregiver:
Take care of your own emotional needs. You deserve rest. If your loved one does not know how to take care of him/herself, please bear with him.
To the undiagnosed:
Please seek professional help as soon as possible. Chances are your illness might improve for the better and hopefully in remission(symptoms-free) one day.
To the moderator:
It would be easier for moderator if every forum members observe social courtesies or etiquette.
Occasionally certain members might be obsessed with delusional thoughts or unhealthy mental state, please bear with them. Thank you for keeping this online community in harmony!
To original poster (that’s me):
Remember that humility, endurance, and helpfulness are important qualities to cultivate and maintain.