A good laugh

One cat is literally sleeping on top of the other while in my lap😂 they bring me so much joy.


lol is the one under ok with it?


That’s adorable!!!


I wish that I could have a cat or a dog. My parent’s are against having those. Also I wouldn’t be able to take care of them.

Really? It is not hard to take care of a cat.

You need to take it to the veterinary, no?

Also you need to buy her food, wash her, etc
My parents get my food. I never get out of the house. Maybe once every 1-2 months a small walk with my parents. I can barely take care of myself. I bath once in a week with difficulty, I use music in the shower.

They get sick rarely and usually you don’t need to wash her. Yes you need to buy her food and litter, give her water.

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:joy: she seemed to be okay with it for awhile, then she got uncomfortable and wiggled out @zeno


If my parents buy her food and wash her + veterinary it would be ok but even then they don’t like animals. We had a bird and it died bcz we forgot to feed it.

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Cats are SUPER easy, they pretty much potty train themselves (or at least ours did) all you need to do really is give them water, give them cat food, and change their litter box. Maybe take em to the vet but that’s rare… I guess you also need to worm them. Lol, but besides that they’re super easy! @Aziz


Aww! How cute.

Tigger loves belly rubs. Charlie is my third foot. Don’t know what I would do without them.



How stinkin cute! :blue_heart:

I’ll confess though by the thread topic line I thought ahead of time you needed a good laugh to cheer up.

I was all pumped up to tell my psychiatrist joke. :stuck_out_tongue:


:pleading_face::pleading_face: id be lost without these little ones too @ThePickinSkunk

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Oh hahah nope, but thanks anyways! You can tell your psychiatrist joke if you like though😀 @Montezuma

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Lol! It’s okay. I’ll unleash my odd sense of humor at another time. :wink:


You’re right! Save it for another time when it’s needed! Lol @Montezuma


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