A comparative diffusion tensor imaging study of patients with and without treatment-resistant schizophrenia

Aim: The aim was to study the brain connectivity using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) among patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS) and compare the same with a group of patients without TRS.
Methods: Twenty-three patients with TRS and 15 patients without TRS underwent DTI using a 3T magnetic resonance imaging machine. DTI data were processed with the calculation of fractional anisotropy (FA) and apparent diffusion coefficient. Patients were also assessed on Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, Positive and Negative Symptom Scale, Global Assessment of Functioning Scale, and Clinical Global Impression severity scale.
Results: Patients with TRS and non-TRS differed significantly in the FA values in the region of right superior longitudinal fasciculus and right uncinate fasciculus, with more integrity of tracts in the non-TRS group. However, these differences disappeared when Bonferroni correction was used for multiple comparisons.
Conclusion: The present study suggests lack of significant difference in DTI findings between patients with TRS and non-TRS.

Keywords: Diffusion tensor imaging, schizophrenia, treatment resistance


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From our views,we have an important comments on the issue of a person’s resistance to the first medical intervention

There are many actual reasons behind this issue that have not been mentioned in most scientific reports that have been written on this subject
For example
1- after the occurrence of sz,the first dose of medical intervention should be aimed at bringing the person into a state of deep sleep,that is in order to make him leave the wakefulness world with all its mental events responses that increase numerically and qualitatively with the passage of time,which it is increases the level of attention factor and drains the neural energy,which never reach the point of complete cessation all time of wakefulness ,add for that an insufficient number of reverse chemical processes that get rid of the metabolism of the aforementioned processes

During sleep,the metabolism products of these extreme processes are completely eliminated,and the state of balance returns to its usual state after awakening from sleep,as the effect of the sz’s pathogen (H) begins again from scratch !!

We know,there is no specific medicine capable of suppressing the mental events responses,the dynamic imagination or the malicious feelings that is constantly generated by action of hallucination in the conscious mind of the person (in any period time of wakefulness)

2-the person’s behavior after undergoing the first treatment does is the most important factor in the voluntary response to the effect of the drug
-what should he do and not do after receiving the first treatment dose ?
Some of what he does is resistance the effectiveness of the drug !