A car killed our dog

Sorry to hear about your doggo @Om_Sadasiva

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So sorry about your loss.

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Sorry to hear about your dog

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Donā€™t be so hard on yourself, @Om_Sadasiva. I lost my grandfather a few months ago. He was very important to me. I didnā€™t feel anything most of the time immediately after, but since the funeral, Iā€™ve felt more and more. Itā€™s normal not to feel anything at first. It could also be your sz. It doesnā€™t mean youā€™re a bad person. You have all the time in the world to grieve her, if you want to. You loved her and thatā€™s all you need to think about right now.

Hope itā€™s ok that I post this picture. If not, Iā€™ll remove it.


Thank you guys. Grief is a complicated process.
I still think I will turn my head and see her.


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