A 100 lb chimpanzee can literally destroy anyone on this board 1vs1

If there was a cash prize if you beat the primate, would you take up the challange? Can you win?

Any mma fighters here?

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I’m reasonably confident I can take the chimp.

At 50m.

With a bow.



With the anger built up inside me and the little boxing classes I take, I think I can do it.


I think I’d lose to the chimpanzee.

Nooo waaaay chimps can wreck u up. Don’t mess w that.

Made me think of this

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I did wrestling and Brazilian jiu jitsu… but that chimp would rip my face off no doubt… not even if I lured him by befriending him… then waited til he fell asleep. What would I do? I could try getting back control and rear naked choke him… but he’d be too strong.

I challenge him to pistols at 10 paces…there’s no way evolution hasn’t won that battle for me by default…maybe not with a planet of the apes primates…but the ones we got lol…

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I would drug his banana and attack him when he falls asleep.

Beat it at what? A round of team death match on cod? Game of chess? Pr a raw out right fight? What rules? Limits? :confused:

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If the reward was your brain being completely healed we’d all win. I’d blow the poor guys brains out. :sweat_smile:

Lol ok I feel bad about saying that but I think we’d all agree. Lmao

I accept the challenge if i can pick the weapon.

I choose the banana as my weapon.


How would it react if you wore a banana costume filled with bananas? I wonder.

I don’t know do I get a gun or something. I’ve heard that chimps are ridiculously strong for their size. Like they can rip your arm off.