8mg respiradal per day

Its quite a while since we changed meds none of the meds mentioned here I have heard off maybe a lot of better meds are available and I don’t know about them _my dr has mentioned the olanazapan is this their med u have to keep having the blood checks for? Does this put on more weight than resperidal or same / my sz mainly I will wake and be in a cranky mood and this will get me in a bad mood and if family or a girlfriend say something to upset me I immediately start putting her down and accuse her of sleeping around as much as I know she doesn’t we couldn’t live together as my mood swings r too bad I also have a slightly crooked thumb and I blame all my failings on this and think people can notice it - it’s been operated on once to straighten but it worries me. I’m not holding a job because when I start and get to know people I will like certain people who r nice to me but not like others which causes me to get stressed in my jobs - I wonder how I would feel on the olozapan I did here it was very good - what country r u in? As I don’t think we have the meds here that u r on thanks for suggestions

I take Geodon, and it didn’t stop the voices, but it made them friendlier. Geodon has been good for me with stabilizing my mood. It also had a side effect of making me lose weight, because it suppresses my appetite. Every brain is different, but if you’re looking for suggestions I fully recommend it. The only downside is that it’s expensive, and Medicaid is hesitant to cover it, so you need good private insurance.

Actually - here is the description in the “Please Read… Intro to Forum…” message:

This is…

a Support and Discussion area for people who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia, or who think they might have schizophrenia (or who have a closely related disorder or symptoms, or who suffer from hearing voices).


Olanzapine causes weight gain but it doesn’t require blood tests (I think that’s clozapine). How are you doing now?

One has to wonder if the Xanax if “coming back” on you. It’s a very high potency benzo that sets off a lot of rebound effect. Has your prescriber ever considered a different approach to sedation. Say, maybe adding Zyprexa or Seroquel to a lower dose of Risperdal and withdrawing you (slowly) from the Xanax?

8mg is just too much , can you try another AP?

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i take 6mg of risperidal and still hear voices and see things i am going to see if they can add a second AP on top of it

Not a bad idea. That’s a lot of punching power. But some of the sense of objective might better be moved into just hearing the voices and letting them rant on without doing anything about all the crap they dish out. CBT in general – and REBT in particular – are really good for that.