51 degrees Celsius in India recently

idk if this is the highest temperature recorded but it said it was since 60 years ago so it has stuck in my head, why now is the temperature so high over there and it has been hot here recently as well, i hope its not a sign that things might be getting hotter, people were talking about temperature change idk i hope we haven’t fkd this planet up beyond repair, sorry, i just get these thoughts sometimes.

I don’t think you’ll see much action on Global Warming until the media centers on the East Coast and in DC are affected by a major heatwave because it’s been a while since it has occurred there. Maine actually received it’s latest snow ever a few days ago.

i worry about the weather :frowning:

Another thing that would get things moving is for all the coastal cities to go under water. That’s another threat of Global Warming.

i wonder what wiped out the dinosaurs

Fossil fuels wiped out the dinosaurs, of course!

Drunk drivers…

Smoking cigarettes

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